Tuesday, March 4

How to Create a Business Card That People Won’t Throw Away

How to Create a Business Card That People Won’t Throw Away

Creating an interesting and unique business card is difficult because everyone has them. So to do something that stands out is certainly a challenge because it feels like it all has been done.and it is very common that people throw business cards away right after they receive them. One reason for this is because they look just like the other 50 they received that week.

Hopefully, you know that it is very common that people throw business cards away right after they receive them. Unfortunately, we don’t live in a paradise where everyone saves the business cards they receive and collect them like precious gemstones. And we probably never will.

One reason for why people are throwing them away is because they look just like the other 50 they received that week.But how can you create a business card that will leave a long-lasting impression and that people will keep?

But how can you create a business card that will leave a long-lasting impression and that people will keep?

It is a difficult task to create a business card that people want to keep in a world where “everyone” has them and doing so demands some serious thought, but it certainly is worth it.

How to Create a Business Card That People Won’t Throw Away

A good design is all about being creative and unique.

Stay on brand

By now you should have a brand, be it a color palette, a logo, your photo or your company name – whichever represents you the best in your market. Strictly adhere to this brand so your card is easily identifiable in the lot.

Business card

Name vs. alias

If you’re known by a name, or alias, other than your first and surname, go with the former on your card or at least mention it in bold before everything else. The people you meet will often remember you by your short name so leaving this out can potentially make you a nobody. However, don’t leave out your real name. People might be searching for you on Google and end up with zero results – leaving them wondering why you haven’t made a name for yourself yet.

Choose your contact channels wisely

In today’s world, there can be many ways that a potential client can contact you – Your Website, Facebook Profile or Page, LinkedIn, Twitter, Mobile, WhatsApp… The list is endless! Putting all of this on your card will just make it look busy so choose one or two channels that represent you the most and is the best way to get in touch. In addition, adding only the icons won’t do much good. Preferably, you should also add your profile URL so people can find you easily instead of guessing your username.

In addition, don’t add social media accounts where your profile looks like a ghost town. Only add your strongest platforms that help strengthen your personal image.

Avoid all the clutter

White space is good for your card, it means that you can draw attention to things that matter the most: who you are, what you do and how to contact you. It’s basically a sales pitch on a piece of card so avoid unnecessary quotations and images that don’t add any value.

Use the back of the card

A business card is a powerful piece of real-estate once it has changed hands and I’ve always wondered why most business cards have only one side…since you’re keeping the front as simple as possible, the back of the card is an excellent way to give more detail. Don’t go writing an essay in there though! Take advantage of QR Codes or Tiny URLs – link these to your website or blog where people can read more about the amazing work you do.

Man inside trash can

Change the size and shape of it

Most people have the standard size 3.5 x 2 inches and by simply changing the size of your business card, you can stand out quite a lot! However, think about the fact that people often prefer to have business cards in their wallets, so don’t make a business card with fully wacky dimensions.

Change the material

Have you ever thought of plastic, wood or leather? Just because everyone is using paper doesn’t mean you have to take the same approach! Be a little bold and choose a unique material. It might cost a bit more but if people are just throwing your cards away anyway, your investment isn’t really doing anything good.

Create a unique card that people want to keep instead and you’ll get a much higher ROI of your business cards.

A website that I highly recommend is Moo. They have a lot of unique business card that people want to keep. I always buy my business cards from them and often receive tons of compliments when I hand them to potential clients.

They’re also a great conversation starter!

Use high-quality cardstock

It’s easy to spot a business card with low-quality paper. If your card can’t withstand 10 minutes in your pocket, make sure you upgrade to higher-quality paper

Use premium and embossed or textured printing

Textured text on your business cards helps draw attention to the things you want people to notice first, while adding extra professionalism to your cards. A small thing like this can make a huge difference in how your card feels and look.

Be colourful

Depending on your industry, this can be a good idea. Make your business card colourful and eye-catching. However, don’t clutter it and make sure that it isn’t distracting.

Matte VS Glossy

The finish of your card is everything. Cards with photos should be done in a glossy finish, and matte for cards with text. Writing and reading on glossy cards can be difficult.

Have you got a personal secret to preventing your business cards being thrown away? Let us know about them!

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