How To Deal With Negative Comments On Social Media
While social media is a great way to get your brand out there and promote your products or services, you have to be prepared for negative comments written by people known as “haters” or “keyboard warriors“. But how can you handle this type of negative criticism?
There are two types of online negativity. The first kind comes from those who have a valid reason (such as a disappointed customers).
Firstly, if you are a business that receive hate comments, you have to see if they are just hate without any reason or if the comment actually has any base or truth to it. It is important to separate hate with complaints if you are a company. If the comment is a complaint, you should always treat it good and try to find a solution for the unhappy customer.
If you on the other hand are an influencer, run a blog, are a public figure etc., you can expect hate comments frequently. And unfortunately for many celebrities and public figures, hate is something they have to deal with daily on social media.
The people who usually leave negative comments on your personal pages are the so-called trolls. These people try every single way possible to bring you down and, often start arguments and write negative comments for no valid reason. The trolls normally do this because they think it’s funny. But unfortunately, that “fun” has a price.
There is help..
If you handle the trolls/haters correctly they’ll soon get bored and stop with their behavior on your page.

There are a few ways that I deal with this type of negativity:
1. Delete the comments
2. Block the accounts leaving negative or harmful comments. (Block with caution since you don´t want to block people that leave genuine complaints or constructive critics).
3. Answer to the comments kindly. If you respond with kindness you will show your trolls that their hate doesn’t affect you. The worst way you can deal with hate comments is to start debating. Instead, show them how mature and humble you are.
4. NEVER EVER take it personally.
Always remember that the people leaving negative comments has never met you and don´t know you.and their hate is no reflection of what you are like. Never let the hate affect you and your private live.
As mentioned, the worst thing you can do is to respond in anger. Doing that will not only fuel the trolls and let your other followers know that you’re immature. Simply ignore it and keep your head high instead.
This was some tips on how to deal with negative comments on social media. Please write in the comments below if you have any further questions.