Tuesday, March 4

How To Make Your Business Events Professional with Badges

How to Make Your Business Events Professional with Badges

Badges are a must have items for any event to be a success. They are a gateway for the attendees to the event. They serve as a means of identifying the invited attendees to an event and keeping gate-crushers off as well since they are a requirement to access an event venue. Furthermore, the badges can be used as a security measure in an event in case someone has evil motives of ruining the event. They simply mean that invites only can access the event venue.

The outward appearance of a badge can either make it attractive or unattractive. It is important to make your event badges attractive so that your guests can wear them with pride and maybe keep them as souvenirs. This means that they will keep reminding them of your event and if you organize for a follow-up event, they will definitely attend. To make a perfect event badge, here are some ideas that you should put in mind.

1. Design.

Designing requires serious design skills. With a unique design, your event badge will go a long way of attracting the attendees. It is important that you hire a professional to design badges for your event as they are familiar with all the required graphics. This will also go a long way saving you the trouble of spending a lot of time in coming up with a quality design. The background should be white and not coloured so that the quality is not compromised. Include only necessary information on the badge as it has limited space and use an easy to understand format. 

2. Choose An Adjustable Lanyard.

Selecting the lanyard to be used to create an event badge is a crucial venture. This can be attributed to the fact that human beings come in different sizes. The lanyard should have the ability to hold the tag in place and in a position that is easily readable. It is advisable to try your badges on people of different sizes before the actual event to make sure that they don’t swivel around. Choose a double-ended lanyard for your badge to avoid swivelling.

3. Include sponsors in the event badge. 

Sponsors play a major role in making your event a success. If you include them in your event badges, then it means that every attendee can see the logo of the company sponsoring you. If you are lucky enough and your sponsors attend your event, this might get you a good sponsorship. Sponsors are especially keen and a simple recognition means that their brand is doing well and this in a way advertises their company to the attendees. Therefore, for your event to be even more a success, ad sponsors to your event badge.   

4. Make The Bar Codes Scannable.

Bar codes, if included in the event badge should be scannable. The QR codes which are essential in translating event information into links should be tested before being incorporated to the badge. They are often used for event marketing by giving information about the event, i.e. the holding venue and contact information. The plastic protectors that are used to keep the badges in good shape should be evaluated to make sure that they can allow scanning of the badge without much trouble.

5. Choose a readable font size.

Your choice of font size is a crucial aspect in getting a quality event badge. Select a font size that anyone can easily read without squinting. Nobody is comfortable squinting to read a name that is too small. This may result in making the event anti-social as most people will not communicate since they are strangers to one another. It should also be noted that some attendees are holders of long names and would like to fully display them. You should put this in mind when choosing your font size as well. At least, make the font size readable at 4-feet. 

6. Keep the badge error-free.

Typos are common, but misspelling a person’s name is another issue of its own. No one will like it if you misspell their name. This can be a mood spoiler throughout the event. This means that their experience will be spoiled and in most cases may leave the event before time. It is advisable to confirm people’s names as well as company names before the actual event to make sure they are in their correct spellings. Another common error comes with selecting badges with pins. The pins can damage attendees’ expensive clothing and in most cases they will opt to just carry them around in their pockets. It is therefore advisable to consider using textile stickers on your badges or use magnetic badges.  

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