Tuesday, March 4

How to Sky Rocket Your Blog!

How to Sky rocket your blog!

Optimizing your blog is crucial if you want to reach any success with your website. in this article, we´ll therefore teach you How to Sky rocket your blog!.

Optimise your blog:
It’s becoming quite obvious that optimisation is where the party’s at! Adding keywords (naturally) throughout your copy, in the title, creating meta descriptions that include your keywords and optimising images are all important steps. I’m sure there are more but that might go a bit deeper than my understanding so I’ll leave it to someone who’s more in the know to add!

Add links.
Add links to external sources (for example if you’re quoting a statistic or relevant research).

Create backlinks.
Now I’m not up to scratch with this and I don’t think that’s something you can do in your own blogs. There are a few ways you can contact sites and forums and ask them to share but you can’t actually create your post as a backlink, someone has to do it for you. Please someone jump in if I’m wrong here??

Technically you CAN create backlinks yourself by linking to your own articles in extremely relevant situations. This is because a backlink is just a link on another site that leads back to your site. Any time you post a link to your social media you technically get another backlink, but these backlinks aren’t nearly as powerful as links other people give you. Of course, you can actively get people to give you backlinks by a) sending them links that are highly relevant to their own blogs or b) mentioning them on your blog and sending them a link to the post you mentioned them in. There are other ways to develop relationships with influential people and get them to give you backlinks but these are by far the easiest.

Promote on social media.
Sharing your blog on social media platforms should see a natural increase in people’s clicks. It’s cool if you can put something in the thumbnail description which will encourage people to share too. Because the more people who share it the more your page will rank etc.

Choose good images.
Images are real important and if you can get images that grab people’s attention you’re more likely to get click. If you have a killer headline and introduction, people will stay on your site longer which increases your weight with Google.

These were some of the ways on How to Sky rocket your blog!. Hopefully you found it helpful!

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