Friday, March 14

How to Transfer Twitter Followers to Instagram

How to Transfer Twitter Followers to Instagram

While you cannot transfer Twitter followers to Instagram in the meaning that you move all your Twitter followers to Instagram because it doesn´t work that way. Those people who follow you on Twitter might not have Instagram so it would be impossible to move them. However, that doesn´t mean that you can request people to follow you on other social media platform (and a lot of people often do). In this article, we´ll give you some tips and tricks on How to Transfer Twitter Followers to Instagram.


On many social media platforms, you can still cross-post your posts, and there is no exception with Twitter and Instagram. . Your Twitter followers are then able to view the photo and click on a link that takes them to your Instagram page. You connect your Twitter and Instagram accounts by examining the “Share Settings” in the Instagram application. Once you select to connect “Twitter” you are prompted to log in with your Twitter log ins. Every time you post an Instagram photo, you can then select “Twitter” in order to link you Instagram post as a Tweet on your Twitter. This creates interest among your Twitter followers and some may even be interested in following you on Instagram.

Twitter Direct Messages

By sending direct messages on Twitter, you can notify them about your Instagram account and ask them to follow you via Direct Message invitations. To do so, simply visit the Instagram website, sign in and copy your Instagram profile´s URL. After that, go to the Twitter home page, sign in and click on the message icon. Click “New Message” and write the Twitter username of the recipient, paste in your URL and write an attracting message that makes people want to follow your Instagram. If done properly, this can be one of the best ways on How to Transfer Twitter Followers to Instagram.


If you didn´t know, you can mention your followers in your Tweets with an @ symbol and then their username. This is a great way to attract more followers to see your Tweets and if you ask people to follow you on Instagram in that Tweet, there´s a larger chance that people will see it and ultimately give you the most amount of followers.

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