Looking for a first job experience may be stressful enough. All you can offer as a student are your academic achievements. As you are developing your hard and soft skills, you still need to get the relevant professional experience. You can add your memorable and eye-catching resume to the list of your accomplishments as well.
Just like an essay or any other written task, a college resume has a specific structure you need to follow. Many professional college paper writers advise approaching writing a resume like an assignment. Yet, instead of a grade, you get an opportunity to make a perfect first impression and the possibility of an internship you want. So, what makes a college resume successful in the eyes of an HR manager?

What Is a College Resume?
A college student resume is similar to an ordinary resume that you prepare for applying to a position. However, as a student, you may not have as much experience as some jobs demand. So, you have to focus on your academic achievements and skills that can be relevant.
A college resume is suitable for applying to:
- volunteering projects;
- summer camps;
- cultural and sports events;
- part-time jobs.
So, it is a resume but with a greater focus on your education rather than actual time spent in a company or a project. The employers understand that this type of resume wouldn’t be as rich as an ordinary one in terms of work experience. What they expect to see in your resume are your maturity and motivation.
The tricky part of writing a perfect resume is to keep a balance between acknowledging that you are an entry-level specialist and showing your best skills. You don’t have to be the best person in the world. Showing that you are ready to get on board with the company and work is enough to prove your intentions.
Determining the Elements of a College Resume
A typical college resume should consist of the following essential elements:
- your name and contact information;
- professional history (if you have worked before), including the company name, date of tenure, your position, and achievements.
- education history;
- key skills;
- your activities, hobbies, and interests (an optional section).
Including Contact Information
It is essential to double-check that you provide relevant contact information. Yes, we all make mistakes and can type the wrong digit in a phone number. Therefore, extra attention to this section does no harm.
If you need to add your social media profiles, make sure you are not presenting yourself as an irresponsible person. If you feel that your social media accounts are flawless only in the eyes of your family and friends, better skip this part. Remember: the Internet remembers everything.
Your contact information section should include
- first and last name;
- address;
- phone number;
- email address;
- social media profiles (optional).
Describing Work Experience and Education
The work experience that is related to the position to which you apply is always an advantage. However, it may include anything, from internships to leadership positions. Check what you can put in the section as it would add extra points of credibility and relevance as a professional.
Double-check the employment period and clarify your job title and the company’s name. Concentrate on your key responsibilities and accomplishments. Be as objective as possible. You should avoid flattering yourself or concentrating on irrelevant details.
The education part of your resume is what makes it unique. It doesn’t mean that, in other cases, your degree has no value. Yet, your academic experience is the major focus of this resume. List all your academic achievements. Note your majors, minors, and your coursework topic, if it is relevant to your position.
Moreover, don’t shy away from highlighting grants or scholarships you won. You can include participation in exchange programs in both sections of work experience and education.
Indicating Key Skills
You have to spend some time and create some drafts before filling this section. People always struggle to tell right away what their major skills are. It’s especially difficult when they need to distinguish between hard and soft skills.
Hard skills are the ones that are related to the job you apply for, while soft skills are your personal qualities. You may also find a definition that hard skills are the ones that can be taught and measured. Writing and computer proficiency are going under this category. Still, soft skills are always associated with your human qualities. Your skill of listening and communicating is as desirable as your job-related knowledge.
Be as precise as possible and explain your skills. Don’t just say that you know a foreign language but clarify the level of proficiency and what you can do.
Adding Activities, Hobbies, and Interests
This section is usually optional. It allows the employer to learn more about you as a person. Without a doubt, it is hard to demonstrate everything you want in one document. If your hobbies are related to your position, you can surely mention them.
You don’t have to be overactive and have numerous interests. If the HR manager wants to know more about your extracurricular activities, they will schedule an interview and ask corresponding questions during the conversation.
Whatever you do, whether it is staying active with sports or volunteering, it is good not only for your well-being but the image as well.
Polishing Your College Resume
It is normal to experience writer’s block when working on any paper and especially a resume. You can always use standard writing hacks and guides found online to make your resume as polished as it can be. Just because it is a formal piece of paper, it doesn’t mean it should look boring.
You may not have all the tools to shine with your creative talents, but you need to maintain the relevant tone, avoid passive voice, and use action verbs. Keep it clean and always proofread!
What’s Next?
As you have edited and proofread your resume, start thinking about the next steps. Staying motivated and optimistic about your chances to get a dream job is crucial as you are waiting for a response. You can think about questions you would like to ask an HR manager or dedicate extra time to search for more information about the company of your interest.
Don’t let your anxious thoughts ruin this moment for you. Take care of your mental and physical health and don’t forget to keep up with your academic progress. Good luck with your first interview!