Wednesday, March 26

Can I be Logged In to my Instagram Account on Several Devices?

Can I be Logged In to my Instagram Account on Several Devices?

This will be a short article but one that answers a very relevant question.

The question asked above is a very commonly asked on but unfortunately, there are very few answers to it out there so I thought I’d write a quick yet helpful article on this subject.

To answer the question if you can be logged in to your Instagram on several devices at the same time:

The number of devices that are used in order to log into Instagram has no limit at the moment. There have not been any reports that Instagram blocks you from logging in to the same account on different devices either

If you choose to log in to Instagram from multiple locations, Instagram will continue to allow you to log in successfully.

All partners at Veloce are for example logged in to the Veloce Instagram account without any issues.

Note that you can log in to your account from different devices no matter what device you are using. You can be logged in to your account on a smartphone/laptop/PC etc. all at the same time.

Have in mind however that just because Instagram is allowing this today doesn’t mean they might change it in the future to prevent spam. For example, if you are logged in to your account from the US while a bot is spamming with your account from Thailand.

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