Tuesday, March 4

How To Share an Instagram Post Via Email

How To Share an Instagram Post Via Email

Want to learn how to share an Instagram post via email? I’ve got great news for you. it’s possible and in this article, I’ll tell you exactly how to do it.

Sharing other people’s photos (or your own) from Instagram through email can be a bit of a challenge if you don’t know how to do it, and frankly, there aren’t a lot of people doing it. You don’t see a lot of people who share Instagram posts via email, right? Part of that has to do with the fact that most people don’t know that they can’t.

The good news is that once you know how to do it, you’ll be able to do it in a heartbeat because the process is incredibly simple.

How To Share an Instagram Post Via Email

  1. Open Instagram
  2. Navigate to your pictures (the icon of a head & shoulders)
  3. Select the image you want to forward.
  4. Click the … & select Share
  5. Choose Email.

If you want to share someone else’s Instagram photo, you can try this:

  1. Open Instagram
  2. Find an Instagrammer’s picture you want to forward
  3. Click the little flag that you can find to the bottom right of the image, to save it
  4. Navigate to your images & click the flag pic to show the images you’ve saved.
  5. Select the image you want to share & click the flag underneath the selected image
  6. Choose to Copy Share URL
  7. Open your email & paste the URL into the body of the email.

How to share an Instagram post via email

There is a third way in which you can share an Instagram post via email. This, however, demands you to use Instagram from the website and not using the app.

Go to https://www.instagram.com/, and now, go to the post you wish to send. Now, copy the link for each individual photo you wish to share, then paste them into an email draft. Have in mind, though, that you can only share the URLs to Instagram posts that have been shared from an account that is public and not private.

If you want to make things more complicated, there are a number of others ways you can forward Instagram photos through email, but why make it more complicated when there’s a built-in feature on Instagram right at your fingertips that allows you to send Instagram posts through email?

You can use online services such as Statigram, Webstagram to convert your Instagram page into an RSS feed and then send the RSS newsletter via Email using Email Service Providers.

This was a short yet helpful article that (hopefully) taught you how to forward Instagram posts to email. If you have any further questions, don´t hesitate to comment below. We’ll gladly answer them!

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