Wednesday, March 26

How To Tell If Someone is Following You on Instagram

How To Tell If Someone is Following You on Instagram

Checking if someone is following you on Instagram is very simple so therefore, this article will be short but sweet.

How To See If A User Follows You On Instagram

There are two main ways to do this so we’ll go through both of them.

Method 1.

1. Go to your Instagram page by tapping your profile picture in the bottom right corner.

2. When at your profile, tap “Followers” as seen below

How To Tell If Someone is Following You on Instagram

3. Now, you are presented with a list of all the users who are following your page.

4. Search for the user you want to know if they are following you. If they show you, they are following you, if they don’t, they aren’t following you.

Method 2

1. Go to the profile of the user you wish to know if they are following you

2. Tap “Following“. (The option looks just like it does on your own page)

3. Search for your own name in the search bar. If your account shows up, they’re following you. If it doesn’t however, they aren’t following you.

Simple as that!

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