Monday, March 3

How To See Photos And Videos You´ve Liked on Instagram

How to see photos and videos you´ve liked on Instagram

Sometimes, you have the need to go back and take a look at a post you’ve previously liked on Instagram.

It is very easy to do so on other major networks, fortunately, it’s easy on Instagram as well!

However, not many people know how to do it.

On Instagram, people aren’t taking advantage of that function, because in reality, it can be extremely valuable. But then again, as a lot of people don’t know how to use it, or even that it exists, the feature hasn’t received the attention it deserves.

Today, that is however going to change at least for you reading this.

In this article, we’ll be teaching you “How to see photos and videos you´ve liked on Instagram”.

On Instagram, your previously liked posts actually don’t get lost, and there is a place on the app where you can find your most recent likes. Below you can learn how to do it.

How to find Your Liked Instagram Posts

It’s super easy to find posts you’ve previously liked. Just follow these simple steps:

  1. Go to the app and log in to your Instagram account.
  2. Go to your profile page by tapping the icon to the far right on the bottom of the page.
  3. Tap the gear icon to the top right of the page to access your account settings.
  4. Scroll down on the list until you see the option “Posts You’ve Liked” just below the “Account” section.
  5. Watch previously liked videos and photos!

NOTE: Instagram only allows you to see the 300 most recent photos and videos you’ve liked.

This means that you might not be able to find posts that you’ve liked a long time ago.

However, this depends on how active you are on Instagram and if you like lots of post per day.

But if you don’t, then you might be able to see posts that you’ve liked a long, long time ago.

That was everything for this article! Thank you very much for visiting Feel free to comment below if you have any further questions.

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