Things You Need To Know About Instagram Direct
Although this feature has been around a while (since 2013), there are still lots of people who are missing out on this great feature and there are still those who are completely unaware of this feature. No matter which of those you are (if you are one of them), we´ll give you Things You Need To Know About Instagram Direct.
An Instagram Direct message can be sent as either a photo, a video or as a regular text message to single or multiple users. After sending a message on DM as it is most often referred to, you’ll be able to find out who’s seen your photo or video, see who’s liked it and watch your recipients commenting in real-time as the conversation unfolds.
Photos and videos that you receive from people you follow will appear immediately. If someone you’re not following sends you a photo or video on Instagram, it will go to your requests so you can decide if you want to view it.
It works the same way if you are the one sending it. If you want to see the messages you have sent with Instagram Direct, tap the bottom right corner in the flow. You can manage the messages you have sent and received from here.
Before the launch of Instagram DMs, the only way for people to connect with each other was to comment on each other´s photos which weren’t very effective if you wanted to talk more privately. People then took the discussion to other platforms such as Whatsapp or KIK.
Photos or videos that are sent with Instagram Direct can not be shared via Instagram, for example, Facebook or Twitter, and they do not appear on hashtags – and site pages.
How to send a photo or video that you see on Instagram via DM
You can send any post that you see on Instagram as a direct message. The messages are not shown in the flow, in search or in your profile.
To send messages that you see in the flow as a direct message:
- Press “
” below the post you want to send
- Search for the account you wish to send it to. You can send a post either to a single person or to a so-called DM group with several people in it. In a DM group, there can only be a maximum of 15 persons.
- If you wish, you can also add a message to the post you want to send
- Tap “send”
You also have the ability to send a post as a direct message through the comment section of a post. You do this by mentioning the account(s) you wish to send the post to in the beginning of the comment.
Then press Send. Press the marked symbol below to switch between sending a DM or post a comment.
These were just some of the Things you need to know about Instagram direct but there is more advanced stuff but we´ll save that for another time.
Thank you for reading Things you need to know about Instagram direct. We hope that you have learnt a lot of new things that you didn´t know before. Comment below if you have any further questions, and don´t forget to sign up on our newsletter!