Wednesday, March 26

What Does CFS Mean On Instagram? Find It Here!

Just like any other social media, Instagram keeps changing with time. A user can share his or her life in a myriad of ways-from the very conventional posts to ephemeral stories that disappear within 24 hours. However, for those who seek a little intimate experience, Instagram has brought in the feature called “CFS.” What does “CFS” stand for on Instagram? In this article, we’ll dive into the meaning of CFS, its slang context, and how to use it to share content only with your most trusted friends.

Let’s break down what “CFS” stands for and why it is so mainstream.

What Does CFS Mean?

“CFS” is the popular term for Close Friends Stories on Instagram. It allows users to post stories only to some people, keeping them out of sight of all the rest; thus, their posts appear in the presence of only those whom they trust. This has been a favorite among users who want at least some form of secrecy regarding their updates or lifestyles yet still enjoy the interactive services of Instagram.

By default, your Instagram Stories will be accessible only to people who follow you if you have a public account or only to your followers if your account is private. But when you would want to share something a little more personal, Close Friends will come into play; it’ll be indicated by an added green circle to your story icon so that people know that this story will only be available to your close friends.

Why Do People Use CFS?

Privacy is probably the biggest reason why people want to use the Close Friends feature. Most people nowadays prefer posting not intimate updates to the entire follower base. Here are some common reasons people want to use Close Friends:

  • Selective Sharing: There’s something special that you’d like to share, but not your whole follower base. With CFS publications, one can have control of who gets to view your Story.

With Close Friends, you can share those sensitive information-be it anything about your personal life, your current whereabouts, or even your innermost thoughts-and keep them strictly under wraps.

  • Less Audience: Many Instagram users use CFS only because they are afraid of receiving too many messages or comments from friends or even strangers.
  • Avoid Judgment: In some instances, you just want to post something humorous, goofy, or embarrassing without giving much of a care as to what people think. Posting on CFS allows having fun without caring too much.

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Differences Between CFS vs Finsta

Without Close Friends Stories, millions of Instagram users created a duplicate account that people call “Finsta,” short for “Fake Instagram,” as a parallel space where they posted more authentic and private content to certain people.

However, CFS is one where users are relieved of the duty to have to maintain a secondary account. The main difference in CFS is that it allows users to share content through a quick and painless process, thus not having to handle multiple accounts. Instead of switching between accounts, you can easily produce your content and opt to share it only with your Close Friends list.

How To Make An Instagram Close Friends List

Setting up a Close Friends list is relatively easy. This is how it’s done:

Go to your profile Open instagram and go to your profile page.

  • Tap the Menu: Tap the hamburger menu (three horizontal lines), at the top right.
  • Select Close Friends: On the menu, you will click on “Close Friends.” This will open a page which allows you to search through and add friends.
  • Add Friends: Instagram may allow you to add the people that you interact with most frequently. 

You can add them either by picking them or searching for their usernames. Once you add them, these contacts can now view all your CFS posts.

How To Share A Story With Close Friends (CFS)

Once you’ve set up your Close Friends list, posting a Story for them is simple. Here’s how:

  • Create Your Story: To enter the Story editor from your main feed, just swipe right.
  • Tell your story: Take a picture, video, or share some media from your archive. Decorate it with words, illustrations, soundtracks, or effects.
  • Select Close Friends: Instead of tapping “Your Story” to share globally, tap the “Close Friends” icon (the green circle with a star in the middle).

This means now, your story will only be distributed to the people that you have in your list of close friends.

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Examples of Content You Can Share On CFS

Close Friends Stories is so versatile the people use it for tons of different reasons. Here are just some examples of things you might use CFS for:

  • Personal Announcements: You are engaged, or somebody offered you a job, or you are anticipating your first baby. Share such events privately until you feel that you should share such news with the whole world.
  • Funny, Embarrassing Moments: Do you wish to share that funny video or candid shot of that wild night out? CFS will let you share those with friends who will enjoy them without judgment.
  • Private Thoughts: Feel like sharing something deeper, like a reflective thought or a personal struggle? CFS is a safe space to post your introspective moments.
  • Location updates: When you are meeting your friends or even visiting some special place but do not want everybody to know where you are, CFS is an answer.

How To Know If You’re in Someone’s Close Friends List?

Do you know if you are on someone’s Close Friends list? It is pretty easy to find out. When you’ve got a green circle surrounding someone’s profile picture in your stories tray, that means he’s shared a Close Friends Story and you’re on his list of close friends.

Scroll through their Story and you’ll find an emerald “Close Friends” label floating across the screen at the top.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

1. Can a person’s CFS be viewed anonymously?
Ans: No, you don’t get to see Close Friends Stories anonymously or at least for now. If you are not on a close friend’s list, then you’ll never know their CFSs.

2. Did you ever exclude or include someone in your inner circle of friends without their permission?
Ans: Yes, it does not let anyone else know if they are added or removed from your close friends list. You can modify the list anytime, not shocking anyone’s sentiments.

3. Is it possible to turn off Close Friends? 

Ans: No, there is no Close Friends option to toggle off. But if all you want is for everyone’s stories to be public, you don’t even need Close Friends at all.

What Does Slang Mean


This “Close Friends Stories” feature is very helpful to all Instagram users who wish to keep their privacy intact but still want to share fun and interesting content. Maybe something tremendous is happening in someone’s life or just a fun moment. 

Close Friends let you decide who gets to see your stories. Knowing the jargon associated with CFS and how to use it lets you enjoy sharing your life updates without the spotlight of the media. And when you’re ready to go public again, you now have the tools to get more attention!

WTM Meaning: Texting, Snapchat, Instagram, TikTok & More

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