Sunday, February 23

What Image Sizes Can You Use On Instagram?

What Image Sizes Can You Use On Instagram?

Back in the days, images that were posted onto the platform used to be limited to the image size 612px by 612px, meaning that all photos that were uploaded on Instagram were square.

Although, on July 2015, Instagram switched to 640px by 640px and switched to 1080px by 1080px in order to keep up with Retina and other high-resolution displays available on smartphones, tablets and laptops.

Later that exact year Instagram introduced a “revolutionary” new update. This update allowed vertical and horizontal images to be posted onto the platform and not only square photos.

This update came as happy news for many users that had to crop images that they had taken into a square (and often ruining the whole photo due to the limited format),

What Image Sizes Can You Use On Instagram?

Maximum image sizes for square, vertical and horizontal images you can choose from:

Square Image: 1080px in width by 1080px in height

Vertical Image:  1080px in width by 1350px in height

Horizontal Image: 1080px in width by 566px in height

What Image Sizes Can You Use On Instagram?

Current image size is 1080px in width X 1080px in height. We expect that Instagram will keep this image size for an extended period of time, otherwise they would have bumped image size even more.

While the image size is bumped to 1080px by 1080px, it is still scaled down to 640px by 640px using CSS on their website. Which means that these images will look better on high-resolution displays such as Retina (HiDPI).

You don’t need to get into these technical details and remember to keep your image size 1080px by 1080px.

These were the answers to What Image Sizes Can You Use On Instagram? Hope you found this article helpful!

Thank you for reading and until next time!

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