Sunday, March 2

Why your Business Should be Active on Instagram (Infographic)

Why your Business Should be Active on Instagram (Infographic)

Is Instagram a part of your brand’s social media marketing strategy?

If not, you might be missing out on some golden opportunities.

Now, before I’m going to let the statistics speak for themselves, i thought I’d introduce you to some thoughts on why your business needs to be active on Instagram (if you aren’t already).

Instagram is a cost-effective tool of reaching your targeted audience.

With the help of Instagram, you have the possibility of reaching millions of users within seconds.

Now, most businesses don’t but if you reach a few thousands or even a few hundred, you might be able to leave a long-lasting impact.

The great thing with Instagram is that you have the opportunity of targeting your audience for example with hashtags and then track them down so they find your account.

This makes for a great targeted following of people actually interested in what your brand has to offer.

More and more brands are hopping on the social media marketing train and are using social media platforms that are completely free to use but still generates tremendous marketing results so why shouldn’t you?

If you want to remain relevant and up-to date, you should consider using Instagram as a first step of entering the social media marketing world.

Now to the infographic.

In this fun and informative infographic, you’ll learn why your business needs to be active on Instagram.

If you haven’t already, hopefully at the end of this post, you’ll finally decide to begin using Instagram for your brand.

Buzzoid Instagram Infographic’ width=‘680px

Infographic by: Buzzoid

Let us know your thoughts below!

Is it essential for brands to be using social media marketing platforms such as Instagram to reach their audience?

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