Friday, March 14

5 Inspiring Fempreneurs and the Key Takeaways Behind Their Success

A female entrepreneur standing in her stores.

Success stories will often inspire you to put your business idea into action. Also, obtaining funding for your new venture might have been more challenging in the past but even if your payment performance history is not so great, you can get small business loan for women with bad credit, for instance.

That means you can learn some key points about some truly inspiring female entrepreneurs and use their success stories to show you the path to becoming a successful fempreneur in your own right.

Learn the power of communication

Sarah Anne Stewart is a prominent holistic health practitioner and health coach. Her business has flourished as a result of her desire to learn how to translate her message and communicate in the most effective way.

Her focus has always been on how to make meaningful connections with other individuals. Communicating the benefits of her business with appearing to be doing a hard sell on them.

Take ownership

As a business person, you have to learn to take the rough with the smooth. Alyssa Nobriga is a business and leadership coach and she attributes her success to her ability to accept total responsibility for all the bad as well as the good things that happen along the way.

She says that a willingness to take full responsibility for her actions has helped her business evolve and flourish.

Don’t be afraid to display a certain amount of vulnerability

There is a general perception that you can’t show any weakness or vulnerability if you are running a business. Kylie McBeath, founder of Zura Health disagrees with that perspective.

She has found that there is a certain amount of power in vulnerability. Her view is that it gives others the opportunity to share and open up. This can be empowering and has given Kylie the support she has needed to grow her business at times when a helping hand was needed.

Only total commitment and determination will do

Natalie Elizabeth Ellis is the founder of Boss Babe. She attributes her success to 100% determination and says that you always have to be willing to go the extra mile if you want your business to flourish.

Natalie says that she is always finding new limits of strength and endurance. Nothing is impossible, even when it seems it is.

Don’t be held back by rejection

Being in business means that many doors will slam in your face. You have to keep knocking to find the openings that allow you to grow your business. Natalie McNeil is a best-selling author and she says that many of her notable triumphs originated from rejection in the first place.

Being an author has meant that she has had to deal with many rejections along her path to ultimate success. Learn from the pain of rejection and channel those negative emotions into a positive energy that ultimately gets you success.

These female entrepreneurs have made their mark in life and in business. Isn’t it time you put your business dreams into action and see where it takes you?

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