Wednesday, March 12

College Essay Mistakes You Should Avoid At All Costs

Universities have zero tolerance for mistakes in essay assignments. The competition for getting admitted into the university is getting difficult with time. So you have to work on reducing them in your essay if you are attempting to get an entry into the best universities.

Moreover, students are always burdened with writing numerous easy assignments in their academic calendars. Most of them put a lot of effort into making their essays free of errors, but finally, all the efforts are rewarded with mediocrity. 

So let’s try to discover some of the basic errors students tend to make while writing down essay assignments.

College Essays Mistakes You Should Avoid 

According to a report, around 2.86 million students enrolled in 2021/2022. It reports a sharp increase compared to the future years. Therefore if you have to differentiate yourself from the rest, you have to be exceptional, be it in the essays or the modules. 

Good grades open up new opportunities for a bright career. Generally, overseas students need to be focused on their writing. Here we provide a list of general essay mistakes that you must avoid. 

Do Not Select A Title On Which You Have Less Idea

The selection of titles is one of the major mistakes that students make. Generally, universities offer you the choice of the essay topic. You have to be mindful in selecting the right one for you.

Then, in that case, you need to work quite a lot on selecting the right title. Essay assignments involve hours of research and analysis. 

If you select the wrong title, it will prevent you from researching the internet platform. You can select a professional essay writing service that can help you select a suitable title for your essay.  

Do Not Lie

Lying in the essays- be it the admission or general college es- is a major mistake students make. Essay writing is all about establishing your thesis statement. Your claims need to be backed by numbers and references, and you must provide authentic ones. Students who need to improve in referencing style and norms can form professional services. So get more info from their website.

Many students take the support of different academic journals and other resources but do not give credit to them. Ultimately it turns out the figures are the result of your research. 

Colleges and universities consider lying as academic misconduct. Therefore focus on the reference and citations following the college and the university-guided reference style. 

Do Not Be Too Friendly. 

An essay follows its own structure and logical flow. Therefore, you must be thoroughly focused on the writing approach from the onset. 

Being friendly in your essay degrades its standards. Moreover, it does not help you establish your thesis statement. 

The essay writing approach must be analytical; therefore, you must select the right structure and delivery. Thus, being friendly in your approach can mar all your efforts. 

Do Not Be To Verbose

Another common mistake in your essay is being too verbose in your writing. Some students write essays to show their grasp of words. In that flow, they use bombastic words and phrases. 

Academic essays need to be simply coupled with a logical flow. Using high-intensity words only shows one’s pedantry, but they don’t make it a great essay. Even the teachers do not welcome it. Therefore, you need to use simple words without going for wordy sentences and hackneyed expressions.


Procrastination is a common tendency among students. The students who are deficient in writing skills put themselves in the trap. They procrastinate, and as a result, they drag the essay’s submission to the eleventh hour.

Procrastination is a common error of students and, therefore, is better avoided. Finish your essays well in advance so that you can finish your piece beforehand. 

It will leave you with time for revision and edits. If you are at the eleventh of your submission time, it’s always better to take the help of an essay writing service. They are experts, and they can help you out with quality services. 

Putting The Discussion To A Close 

Other than these, students also need to work on revising or editing their essays. The more one reads, the more mistakes you make in your essay writing. 

Essay writing is indeed no child’s play, and students have to be mindful in considering the aspects of quality. The way to achieve quality is by eliminating errors in mistakes.

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