Monday, March 3

The Main Stages of Work on the Final Thesis Project

The thesis project report is prepared by students of all courses: doctors, teachers, managers, and lawyers. This project shows what material a student has learned in a particular subject and how he solved an actual scientific problem. This project and the corresponding reports are very challenging to most students. To write a decent final thesis report students need to apply all the knowledge accumulated for four years of the Bachelor’s course. As a student, I preferred to pay someone to write my research paper, since I didn’t have all the knowledge needed.

Our article about the stages of writing a final thesis report will be useful for those who are writing it for the first time and do not know where to start. There is no exact answer to the question of how many stages are allocated when writing a term paper: a lot depends on the subject and the specific topic. Some thesis topics are very specific and deep, so they may involve additional research stages.


We have prepared an approximate sequence of actions when preparing a thesis project: Choosing a topic. Making a plan. Selection and study of sources. Conducting research. The formation of the work. Formatting. Preparation of the presentation. Protection.

We will tell you more about each stage of the preparation of the Thesis Project. 

Choosing a topic is the first stage, on which all subsequent ones build up. The topic of the course should: be relevant; contain scientific novelty; have theoretical and practical value. Of course, at the same time, it should be interesting to the student himself, only then he will be able to fully disclose it.

The following will help with the choice of a topic: A research supervisor (perhaps you will be interested in the problems of his research). Your knowledge (it is better to choose a topic according to the section of the subject that you have studied best). Thematic events (at conferences and training, you can learn about the current problems of the industry). Practical experience (remember the problems you encountered during the internship). Scientific publications (they reflect the current trends of the specialty). You can also check out various online lists of sample topics on pedagogy, history, literature, programming, medicine, and many other subjects.

Drawing up a plan 

The next stage of writing a term paper is the preparation of a plan. This is done by the student under the supervision of the supervisor: he will tell you which sections should be included in the project. Most of the works have the following structure:

  • title page; 
  • content; 
  • introduction; 
  • theoretical part; 
  • practical and research part; 
  • conclusions; 
  • references; 
  • appendices.

During the entire period of study, the student will have to write 6-8 reports with sources. The tasks of the supervisor also include recommending to the student the main educational and scientific literature that is worth studying on the chosen topic. Use publications from recent years and compare data from different sources. If your knowledge of the language allows, also study the materials of foreign authors: this will give you a broader understanding of the topic. 

After getting acquainted with the theory on the chosen topic, it is necessary to proceed to the research stage of the thesis project, that is, to test the hypothesis put forward using the selected methods. This stage of the course depends on the subject and the specific topic: you may have to study the activities of the organization, analyze media materials, work with legal documents, etc.

The formatting of work 

At this stage of writing the thesis project report, the student systematizes theoretical data and practical results and forms them into a holistic study. Take each finished section to the supervisor: this way you will be able to make the necessary corrections in time. This stage of course design is carried out in parallel with the previous one. To avoid mistakes in the design, take methodological instructions on the implementation of the course work at the department: it sets out the requirements for the appearance of the work. They may differ depending on the university, but the following parameters are considered standard:

  • Times New Roman font 14 pt; 
  • one-and-a-half line spacing; 
  • width alignment; 
  • paragraph indentation 1.25 cm; 
  • margins – 2 cm above and below, 3 cm on the left, 1 cm on the right.

Preparation of the presentation 

When the work is ready and approved by the supervisor, you should do the presentation that will be needed for the final stage. When preparing a presentation, stick to the structure: On the first slide, you need to place information about the topic, the author, and the supervisor. The 2nd and 3rd slides represent the relevance, specify the object, subject, and purpose of the work. Further slides consistently reveal the stages of the course study and contain tables, graphs, diagrams. If the author has scientific publications on the topic of the course, they can be indicated at the end of the presentation. On the very last slide, you need to place the conclusions.

We also advise you to send the presentation to the supervisor for review: he will correct the errors and tell you what else you can add to the slide show.

The final stage of the course work is its presentation. The student presents the results of the study to the commission and answers its questions. If you have done well in the previous stages, then the presentation will go smoothly: teachers will appreciate the student’s sincere interest in the topic of the work and a well-executed presentation.

If you plan the Thesis project stages and talk to your supervisor regularly, there should not be any problem. In fact, if you are truly passionate about the selected topic, you will have a lot of fun making research on it, and presenting the results to others. And if there are difficulties at some stage of work on the course work, the student service will help solve them. Contact professionals and get an excellent grade for an essay, term paper, or diploma.

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