Monday, March 3

Why Investing in Your Employees’ Wellbeing is the Best Investment You’ll Over Make

For every $1 you invest in mental health treatment for your employees, you can reap a $4 return, as found in a study by the World Health Organization. A myriad of additional studies has found that investing in employee wellbeing leads to reduced absenteeism and presenteeism, reduces healthcare costs, and boost employee retention. For example, Johnson & Johnson has saved around $250 million dollars over the past decade by implementing a wellness program. These savings arise from a 67 percent drop in the number of employees who smoke, and a 50 percent decrease in employees with high blood pressure and sedentarism. If you are keen on offering your employees the very best wellness benefits possible, the following tips may help.

Promoting Healthy Behaviors

Your first priority should be to create a culture of health. Promote healthy attitudes and behaviors in your company with initiatives such as healthy eating options in the cafeteria, in-house exercise and yoga/meditation sessions, and an in-office gym. Invest in commercial landscaping, so your employees have green spaces to visit during their break times. Studies have shown that simply visiting a park for a few minutes can significantly lower stress levels and boost mood and productivity. Provide resources to your employees about topics such as sedentarism. Encourage them to get up frequently to stretch or perform exercises, and ask them to visit others’ desk instead of using the phone. This will ensure they don’t stay seated for too long and will lower their chances of circulatory problems and deep vein thrombosis.

Implementing Industry-Specific Work Protocols

Conduct a professional work injury risk assessment and create a well-defined protocol to reduce the likelihood of accidents and injuries. Be aware of the most common workplace injuries employees claim compensation for. These include exposure to harmful substances or environments such as noise, radiation, extreme temperatures, oxygen deficiency, air and water changes, and electricity. Provide professional training and protective equipment for hazardous tasks, and enforce safety rules and regulations. 

Investing in Ergonomics

Make sure that your employees’ work stations are ergonomic. Equipment and furniture should foster proper posture and comfort. Address specific needs by conducting ergonomic assessments through ergonomics analysis and aim to ease musculoskeletal issues. Collecting data on your employees’ health can help you identify areas for improvement and measure the effectiveness of the measures you adopt.

Consider your employees’ health and wellbeing as a major priority. Doing so will not only improve productivity, but also boost your employee retention rate. Promote healthy behaviors, assess individual risks, and make sure that your employees’ ergonomic concerns are addressed. 

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