Tuesday, March 4

Think Email Marketing is Dead? 7 Statistics That Prove It’s Not

Email marketing isn’t dead.

But if you check the internet, it may sure seem like it.

“Email marketing is dead”, “Why email marketing is dead”, “why email marketing (finally) is dead” are just some of many headlines that have popped up in the course of the last couple years.

But is email marketing actually dead?

Experts part of the marketing industry still believe that marketing via email is still the most effective and convincing method to maximize the potential of reaching the most number of customers.

As per Gigaom Research, the marketers continuously ranked email marketing as one of the most effective methods for conversion, retention, acquisition, and awareness. This medium is powerful enough to convey messages to the target market, hence building awareness and higher chances of returns.

7 Statistics That Prove Email Marketing Isn’t Dead:

Below are statistics that can prove how email marketing is still the most effective, up until this time:

  • As per the MediaPost, as of today, there are 2.6 billion people who own and use email, and the number will shoot up to more than 2.9 billion users by 2019
  • According to Epsilon, 54% of the emails sent by companies are about marketing
  • ExactTarget claims that 91% of customers check their personal email on a daily basis
  • According to Merkle, 74% of customers prefer to get commercial communication through their email than any other mediums or platforms
  • As per Marketing Sherpa, 60% of the marketers suppose email marketing provides businesses positive result on ROI
  • Alchemy Worx shared that 76% of emails are opened within the first 2 days after emails are sent
  • McKinsey and Company states that the conversion rate of emails is 3 times higher compared to social media platforms, with 17% value higher in terms of conversion

With the facts above being stated, it is obvious that email marketing is still not dead and can definitely work to the marketer’s advantage. Marketing strategy is critical for businesses, hence if marketers do not know where to start, then take advantage of using email marketing, anyway, it is highly effective and at the same time efficient.


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