Friday, October 18

9 Hacks to Create Explainer Videos that Actually Produce Desired Outcomes

The Google report shows that six out of ten people would rather spend time watching online videos than television shows. One of the primary reasons for the preference of online videos is that you have control over what you watch, which is not in the case of TV shows. Furthermore, you also get a chance to watch what you love over and over again. 

Today, it is incredibly easy to produce videos, and you do not have to spend months to come up with a video. You can get your first video online within a single day by making use of free animation software. However, you cannot get a breakthrough result without having the right strategies in place. Many other videos are competing for the same viewers that you want for your video.

Explainer videos can get you tons of leads and sales without spending a lot of money. An explainer video agency can create a stunning piece of art for you, ultimately leading towards the growth and development of your business. The best explainer video production company makes use of professional scriptwriters, animators, and other creative professionals to research and create explainer videos.

With all that said, you can spend time learning about explainer video production and create the video all on your own. 

Nine Hacks that you can use in your explainer videos for a better performance

It is essential to integrate various strategies to your explainer videos, and here are the nine proven hacks that can significantly enhance the performance of your video. 

Add copywriting ingredients to your script

Your aim for creating explainer videos is not only to entertain your audience or provide some useful information to them. The ultimate goal of an explainer video is to sell an idea, product, cause, or a service. 

Image Source: HubSpot

The above image is the outcome of the survey that was conducted by HubSpot. If you carefully think about the no.1 challenge for an organization, it is copywriting. You will only get enough leads and traffic if you can strategically craft your words. 

One of the best ways to add copywriting ingredients to your script is by preparing a creative brief. You need to list out all the essential questions that will impact your performance like your target audience, pain points of potential customers, key benefits of your product/service, tone of the video that resonates with the audience, and more. 

If you get your brief creative right, you will increase your possibility of producing a script that converts. Go through the video of Pongo Resume to get an idea about how top scriptwriters craft their words. 

The storyline is essential, so do not ignore it

For most of you who are trying to create an explainer video, you are trying to reach out to the audience who has no clue about you or your offering. Another thing you need to consider is that you could have less than two minutes to deliver your message to your audience. 

How could you eliminate the risk of including unnecessary things in your video? The answer to this question is a storyline, which will let you sequentially organize your scenes. After creating your storyline, revise it again to check if there is filler content or not. There is a software that allows you to create your storyline. 

Shorter videos perform well, so get straight to the point

Your explainer video aims to convert the cold audience into hot prospects. In most cases, you will not be able to fulfil your objective with a longer video. 

Image Source: Tubular Insights

The people watch explainer videos because they are shorter, entertaining, and direct. With the help of the storyline, you can create a shorter video that contains all the nitty-gritty of your offering.

Simplicity is the key

Explainer videos should break down complicated concepts into small slices that everyone can understand. Do not wander around a lot and make things sophisticated by adding jargon or too many complex sentences. Keep your structure simple by including vocabulary that ordinary people use on an everyday basis.

The structure should include the problem, solution, the process of how your product works, and a call to action. 

Focus on what your audience wants

Being narcissistic is a sin when it comes to producing an explainer video. Focus on what your target audience wants, instead of telling them how great of an offer you have in store for them.

Image Source: Econsultancy

Address the pain points of your potential customers as per your research and then lay down the benefits that your product will offer to them. For instance, you can demonstrate how your software can help them organize the operational activities that will save them a lot of time and money. 

Go for native voiceover artists, or with someone that has an impeccable command of the language

A poor quality sound or an unclear voice can destroy your video, even if your video quality and script is superb. Do not make the mistake of using a robotic voice or hiring someone who is not fluent. Invest in a professional voiceover artist that can magnify your video. 

Entertain your audience and add life to your video with a background music

There are plenty of premium soundtracks that you can add in your explainer videos, and those soundtracks will not cost you a lot. Adding soothing background music will make your audience lost in the concept that you are presenting. 

Do not shy away from adding a bit of humor, surprises, or something wacky, as these things will entertain your audience, which will make them consume information with curiosity and fun.

Insert some aha moments that will make your audience think

The aha moments are the spices that add taste to your video. Your audience will love it if you demonstrate originality and present information that awakens the curiosity of your viewers to know more about your product/service. 

Take ideas from other videos and make some serious changes in it to make it adjustable to your video. You can also take the latest trends and put it in your video or creatively present the current information by adding visual effects. Check out the top examples and learn from those videos. 

Image Source: Z.production

Make a promotion plan and focus a lot on marketing

Finally, you should think ahead about how you are going to promote your explainer videos. Decide where you want to publish your videos, whether it is on your landing page, YouTube, email, or some other platforms. 

It is also necessary to make a list of influencers to promote your videos and allocate an advertisement budget for promotion. 

Over to You

The nine hacks that I’ve listed here work great if you can figure out the right time and the correct place to use those tactics. You may not be able to use all the nine hacks at the same time, but you do not need to worry about that from the very beginning. 

Are you satisfied with the tips that I’ve provided? I hope you have got an immense value out of this content. Which hacks are you going to try in your next video? Feel free to share your thoughts with our audience. 

Article written by Usman Raza.

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