Monday, March 3

Free Ways to Increase Traffic To Your Website

Free Ways to Increase Traffic To Your Website

Before I go more into detail about some of the free ways to increase traffic to your website I thought I’d share a disclaimer first: There’s no such thing as really FREE. Everything cost something. Yes, this is free when it comes to cash but you have to invest something and in this case, it is time and time is money. Invest your Time and get money as an outcome.


1. Participate in Forums

You should participate and be active in online forums but not just any forums. Relevant forums to your niche where people are spending their time. Give answers to their problems or give them some tips. The most important part is that you actually engage with people in your niche.  You can also start sending them personal messages to create a more personal connection and to build a relationship. Try to get them on your lists for future engagement and offers by having a link in your signatures (if applicable).


2. Long Tail Keyword Rankings

If you are new to long tail keywords, LT keywords are those keywords which consist of around 3+ groups of words which get 30+ searches a month. These are really easy to rank for in google as the competition is low, yet by being first on the search engine results page, you’ll actually get a decent amount of traffic from that keyword. If you’ve started a website but aren’t utilizing long tail keywords, you should start using them because they’re so effective. A lot of people underestimate them but having 100 long tail keywords that each get 30 searches a month is equal to 3,000 searches/month – and it’s way easier to rank these 100 long tail keywords in google than to rank a single keyword that gets 3000 searches a month. In addition, traffic from long tail keywords offer really targeted traffic.


3. Youtube

You can make small videos on youtube targeting long tail keywords. Since youtube has a high authority by nature, you can rank your youtube video on page 1 of google almost instantly. Remember to add your website link in your youtube video’s description to get a backlink and ultimately rank your website higher in Google. A goal you can have is to post 1 video a day targeting 1 new longtail keyword. If you take that tip into practice, you can be sure to gain some great results.


4. Blog commenting

Many say that blog commenting is dead and you can’t rank your website using this. But this approach is wrong. You don’t do blog commenting fo rankings but for traffic. Participate and start commenting on blogs within your niche. 10 comments a day should definitely help increase your website traffic.


5. Social Media Sharing

An easy yet very effective way to increase your traffic. Grow your Facebook page or join relevant Facebook groups and share your posts on your blogs if you have some. Share good information and capture their emails! Start networking and the rest will come!

Share your posts on Twitter, Instagram or any other social media platform you’re using to draw interest.


10 bonus FREE ways to increase your website traffic:

    1. Optimize your web site for Google
    2. Don’t forget about working to improve your rank on Yahoo and Bing
    3. Add your website to the Chrome web store
    4. Make your website mobile friendly
    5. Improve the loading time of your website
    6. Guest post on high traffic websites
    7. Keep your content fresh and relevant
    8. Optimize old content
    9. Engage on Social media (Twitter, Facebook, Google+, Pinterest, Stumbleupon, YouTube, LinkedIn etc.)
    10. Collaborate with other people in your niche

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