Tuesday, March 4

Hacks That Will Boost Your Website

You know how in the old days those who owned a shop and wanted to be different used to make sure it has an outstanding design, it’s always clean, the colors match the colors in the logo and guidelines to make sure it’s smooth and allows a comfortable experience for shoppers and customers… well, your website is now your shop and it’s responsible for the very first impression a potential customer makes on your business. 

Your website is supposed to be designed really well, invest in some high-quality content that’s SEO friendly and it needs to be fast. You also need to make sure that it appears under relevant keywords. If your website is all static, boring, and old you need to make sure to invest in a dynamic website that is responsive and interesting.

Once you’ve done that you need to make sure that it’s up to today’s standards in terms of quality, design, and most importantly performance. Here are a few hacks that will help boost your website’s performance.

Make Sure it’s Performing at its Best

The most important thing about having a website is being able to track its performance. That means you can know exactly how many potential customers visited your website, what did they navigate through, and whether they took an action to buy your product or service or not. By using Google Analytics and other online tools, you will be able to understand, evaluate and optimize your website design, content, and overall performance so you can ensure an increase in traffic, reach, engagements, and potentially the maintenance of loyal customers.

However, this might be obvious to you if you have an E-commerce website But what you do with this information is also vital for the continuity of your business. Using plugins that easily provide analysis of your data and social button bars will help when you’re looking to understand what happens to the customers that visit your website and do not buy anything.

Professionals from AMPWPTools state that you lose almost half of your potential customers if your website takes more than 3% to load. Almost half of your customers could be responsible for double the revenue you make every month. Making sure your website is performing faster and looks better on mobile and desktop devices. Remember to make sure to analyze and evaluate your report to be able to calculate your ROI and measure the success of your website.

Create Interesting Content

You’ve got to make sure your website is not all about selling your products if you want to sell and gain awareness and organic reach, you have got to make sure you’re telling a story. Write articles and blogs about your products and services, about things that revolve and are related to them, this way you make sure you have a well-known brand that adds value to its customers and has the potential to build a community.

Brainstorm tending ideas with your team and make sure you build as much credibility as you can by being transparent, appreciating your team, and introducing them to your audience, share testimonials, and link all your social media pages to your website. This way you know you have the traffic coming in whether you’re trying to push people to your website or not.

Creating interesting content can also be a way to creatively show reviews and testimonials for your products. You have to keep in mind that people do not perceive anything online as more credible than any other non-virtual form anymore, we’re no longer drawn to animated ads and companies we do not know anything about. We’re all about real things and real people. Make sure you create content that reflects your mission, vision, and values and share it with the world. Let them do the marketing for your website.


Nowadays, you can’t rely 100% on organic reach. It goes without saying social media advertising, google ads, remarketing, and display advertising are the only solutions for you to reach people at all unless you’re willing to risk years of trails and bad luck. The algorithms have all changed and priority goes to those who are series enough to promote their website so make sure you’re doing it efficiently.

You can find a million hacks to boost your website online, but the most important part of optimizing your online platform is to hire professionals that will make things easy for you to manage and work on without having to get back to them every time you want to add a product.

Make sure your website is fast and mobile-friendly and do something that makes you stand out among your competition. Don’t just sell products or services, but rather invest in an online platform that people can’t live without.

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