Sunday, March 9

Online Casino Digital Marketing Strategies for 2021

Online marketing is an ever-changing game. Even if you were up to date with your marketing strategies in 2018 – that same strategy will not be as successful as it was two years ago. Viewers get fatigued from seeing the same types of marketing (think about how sick you are of reading “Here’s What Happened Next” in a headline), Google’s search algorithm is constantly tweaked, and – especially in the online casino industry – rules and regulations surrounding digital advertising change.

We’ve put together a list of marketing strategies that work in 2021 to help you out.

Crank that content

Content still rules in 2021, but you need to be strategic about the content that you’re putting out. No longer can you produce short, vaguely-relevant, keyword-stuffed content, you need to be creating useful content that gives the reader something that they’re not getting elsewhere on the web.

This means that you need to have highly researched pieces, with authoritative links to external websites, and links to relevant pages on your own page. You’ll need to ensure your English is top notch, plus you have SEO optimized on the page, with headings, alternate text, and accessibility options.

Backlinks still count too – so creating useful content for other websites is still a useful activity – so long as you’re writing for websites with higher authority rankings.

Use strategic campaigns

Much like traditional marketing, you’ll find that ongoing campaigns help to lure customers in. With online digital marketing, this means retargeting, having ongoing month-long (or longer) campaigns, and other types of long game marketing efforts.

This requires forward planning and having a content schedule planned in advance. There are various tools that will allow you to create plans and content, then launch them on various platforms at just the right time. These tools include SEMRush, HootSuite, Sprout Social, and more.

Go across marketing platforms

Because online casino digital marketing is a tricky beast, you’ll need to go across marketing platforms. So, that will be using social media and your website to the best of your advantage, alongside boosted SEO wherever possible.

However, there is another particularly useful platform – or should we say platforms – that online casinos can take advantage of, and that’s affiliate marketing. Affiliate marketing generally comes in the form of websites made by affiliates who refer customers to you for a fee. However, because it’s gaming, affiliates have gotten pretty deep into their campaigns, so they can go across platforms like YouTube to show off the games and play style at the casino, as well as on live streaming platforms like Twitch.

The iGaming industry makes superb use of affiliates, with some affiliates referring so many first time customers they could probably open their own online casino. It’s simply another way to do marketing and can be highly successful if your affiliates are any good at what they do.

Try different SEO helpers

In terms of SEO for your website and other web presences, there is a multitude of options out there to help. This includes tools like Moz, SEMRush, Google Analytics, and more. You’ll notice that each tool has different results, even if they purport to do the same thing as one another. This is because SEO research is a reverse engineering process – trying to determine what the Google algorithm is doing and how it collates its ratings.

It’s for this reason that you shouldn’t just stick to one tool for your SEO research. Triangulate results over two to three respected tools to create your SEO approach. Free tools will never give as accurate results as paid tools either. It pays to have an up-to-date SEO expert on the team.

Ensure you stick to the rules

There are very strict rules surrounding online casino advertising depending on what jurisdiction you are marketing to – such as the UK. You should always make sure to look up what you can and can’t do before putting up something on Google Ads or sending out a social media blast. There are fines and sanctions that may be applied to your business if you are found to have breached the rules. Do be aware that these rules are always changing, so make sure you keep a close eye on developments as they come to hand – setting up Google Alerts may help..

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