Sunday, March 30

How to Choose Hemp Products for Your Needs?

The hemp plant is a versatile natural commodity used in many different areas, from skincare to food supplements. The plant sources many beneficial natural compounds, including THC, CBD, Phytoproteins, and some other cannabinoids. 

Since the current market is full of hemp products, choosing the right one can be tricky. Not to mention, reliable websites like Premium Jane that provide authentic hemp oil products stand apart from the crowd. Yet, in several cases, it can be difficult to assess whether you are dealing with a legit supplier or a fraud. 

To help you out with that, we have listed down some factors that will help you find a reliable hemp brand.  

Outline Your Needs 

Before you dig into hemp products or their suppliers, you must know what you are looking for. From sexual performance to anxiety relief, the purpose could vary from person to person. Thus, your needs will give your research and purchase a solid direction. 

Knowing what you want will also help you eliminate unnecessary options faster. Consequently, you’ll have a short, manageable list of potentially useful products. On the other hand, blindly entering the market can be a waste of time and money. Anyone could sell you anything by convincing you of its benefits. If you know what you need exactly, brand guides can also help you search for the right hemp oil products easily.

For example, decide what type of consumption format works best for you. Hemp products come in many different forms, from oils and extracts to capsules and chewable gummies. The products can be inhalable, consumable, or externally applicable. The most effective method is direct absorption into the bloodstream through oral ingestion.  

Be Mindful of THC Content

The amount of THC in a product dictates its ability to get you high, which is why you must check for it. If you didn’t know, most US states have only legalized hemp products with minor THC levels. Generally, it is lower than or equal to 0.3%. This small amount doesn’t induce the typical high common with other hemp products.        

Thus, when considering investing in a product, make sure you know its legal status. Many companies provide certificates of assessments which prove their legal compliance. Moreover, you can visit the brand’s website to learn about the THC content in your product. Most reputable brands provide complete product information along with THC levels on their product pages.

Evaluate the Organic Nature of Hemp Source

The source of hemp is crucial to deciding the quality of the final product. The hemp plant is an excellent bio-accumulator, which means that the plant absorbs biological compounds from the soil it grows in. 

Thus, if the plant grows in organic soil, without chemical fertilizers, or pesticides, the CBD flowers will be healthier. On the contrary, mass-production of the hemp plant in uncontrolled environments will produce CBD flowers contaminated with heavy metals and other toxins from unhealthy soil. 

Some companies use hemp from local farms, while others import them from different countries. We recommend buying hemp products from brands that use locally grown hemp as it is compliant with US federal state quality laws. Most of the hemp in the US is grown in Colorado, Oregon, and Kentucky. Many leading hemp companies work closely with Colorado farms for organic and legally compliant hemp.

Study the Extraction Process 

Quality is built into the product at every step of the process. Thus, the hemp extraction method tells a lot about the hemp extract used in the product. In short, it helps determine how effective and safe the CBD extract is. 

The most effective and famous is the CO2 extraction method. This process has become the standard of quality and has the support of many regulatory authorities. The fame and popularity of the method stem from its ability to produce highly concentrated CBD extracts without any waste. The process uses pressurized CO2 to pull out all beneficial cannabinoids and terpenes from the plant without needing massive heat or poisonous solvents. As a result, it does not pollute the environment with any toxic contaminants.

An alternate approach is the ethanol extraction method which is currently the second-best. However, the process has its downside, as alcohol is highly flammable. Overall, we encourage you to choose a brand that uses a CO2 extraction process for its products.

Analyze the Brand Reputation

premium hemp source

Many customers do not understand the importance of brand analysis. However, a reputable brand is your best bet for a healthy, safe, and effective product. Big brands usually have an image to preserve; thus, they rarely compromise quality and service. 

They are aware that they will damage their reputation if they do not provide the finest products. Therefore, quality and customer service are at the top of their priority list. You can track the company’s customer care, complaint solutions, and return and exchange policies to see if the brand is customer-centric or not. 

Read Customer Reviews

Talking to people who have used a product before is the best way to find out the truth behind a brand and what it offers. What they say is more credible than what the brand says about itself. 

Nowadays, brands keenly engage with customers online through social media. In fact, the most prominent brands have a very active social media presence. They also encourage users to review them so others can easily trust the brand.   

Overall, you can learn a lot about a brand by understanding how the company engages with its new and existing customers. Evaluate the reviews, ratings, and testimonials of new and returning customers of the brand you pick.


The right hemp products can be extremely useful in treating several physical and mental ailments. Like every other product, hemp products also have substandard versions and health risks. However, if you know what you want and how to look for it, you can easily find the best hemp products on the market. For instance, Premium Jane is a reliable online platform with an impressive collection of high-quality hemp products. One of these products is undoubtedly to be the right fit for you.

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