Sunday, October 27

Search Results for: influencer marketing campaign

5 Digital marketing Tactics Every Business Should use in 2019

The marketing landscape has become completely revolutionized with the birth of the internet. The way humans can communicate on has completely changed, and this also creates new preconditions for communicating with your customers and target audience as a company. Unless you’ve been living under a rock for the last decades, you know that the internet […]

How Much Does Influencer Marketing Really Cost?

How Much Does Influencer Marketing Really Cost? This is a question that every single marketer asks themselves when researching the possibilities in making influencer marketing a part of their marketing strategy. But the catch is that the question “how much does influencer marketing cost?” is quite complex, and you won’t find a lot (or good) […]

8 Crucial Factors to Look at When Choosing Influencer to Work With

Identifying influencers for your brand is tough. At least if they are going to be suitable for your brand. In today’s social media landscape it is not difficult to find influencers. They are everywhere. The challenge is finding influencers which are relevant to your brand and will help you generate good results. In fact, 67.6% of […]

Top 11 Influencer Marketing Trends You Need to Know

Want to stay on top of the influencer marketing trends? As a marketer, you need to stay up-to-date with the latest trends, because what worked yesterday might not work as well today. What was considered cheap marketing yesterday might be considered expensive and competitive marketing tomorrow. The marketing landscape is quickly changing, and with the […]

Why Social Media Marketing Is Crucial For Small Businesses?

While scrolling through your news feed on Facebook, Instagram, or any other social media platform, you see a lot of ads. You might notice a promotional campaign or a product review post going viral every now and then. Social media ads are tailored and specifically targeted at you by marketers who consider you as potential […]

Effective Influencer Marketing Strategies That Will Generate Immediate Results!

You might have started your influencer marketing campaign but want to optimize it to generate better results. Or, maybe you are completely new to influencer marketing and want to generate immediate results so you can assure that it is actually working for your brand. No matter what the scenario is, these essential tips of a […]

How to Improve Customer Relationships With Influencer Marketing

Influencer marketing is not a short-term marketing strategy. It’s not a fad that will disappear next week. Based on the incredible results it is able to generate, and the fact that its popularity doesn’t look like it is slowing down anytime soon, we can be sure that influencer marketing has many years to live. In […]

Convincing Benefits of Working With Micro-Influencers

Influencer marketing has skyrocketed in popularity over the years. At the same time, what many marketers don’t think about is that influencer marketing has existed for many decades. The only difference today is that social media has made influencer marketing into a commodity. In recent times, new forms of influencer marketing has also emerged as […]

How to Connect With Social Media Influencers

The Best Ways to Connect With Social Media Influencers   How you approach someone has a huge impact on the impression you make. After all, it only takes seven seconds to make a first impression on another human being, according to a Harvard study of communication. When we meet people for the first time, we […]

How To Tell If an Influencer is Fake: Most Obvious Tells!

Do you know how you can tell if an influencer is fake? When choosing influencers to partner with, it’s important that you examine their accounts very carefully. A problem in today’s influencer marketing landscape is that many marketers are only looking at the follower count the influencers have, and then think that equals to influence. […]

Top Influencer Marketing Challenges And How To Overcome Them

Influencers are trusted individuals whose followers look up to them and turn to them for advice. They have the ability to create content that is relevant and engaging to their audience, and can implement products in their social media posts that spark interest, and inspire them in a way that actually generates sales. Influencers have huge […]

How To Audit Your Influencers (For The Best Marketing Results)

How To Audit Your Influencers (For The Best Marketing Results) Are you looking to begin your influencer marketing journey but not quite sure what to look for when choosing influencer? Making sure you partner with suitable and relevant influencers is the single most important part for a successful influencer marketing campaign. It is the difference […]

Social Media Influencers – How Influential Are They Really?

Social Media Influencers – How Influential Are They Really? We hear the word influencer being thrown more now than ever because the popularity of influencer marketing has grown rapidly but how influential are social media influencers really? Do they have as much influence and impact on their followers as everybody says? When you’ve just found […]

Influencer Marketing Mistakes: 15 Things to Avoid

Are you committing any of these common 15 influencer marketing mistakes? Or are you even aware that they exist? I am sure you’ve quite familiar with influencer marketing by now, so I’ll skip the introduction of telling you just how powerful influencer marketing and cut straight to the point. As you know, influencer marketing can […]

Most Common Challenges with Video Marketing and Their Solutions

Everyone on the video marketing scene knows how challenging it can be to manage video campaigns. Things can go south really fast which is why you have to up your game by getting familiar with the terrain (if you’re new around this block), or taking on newer responsibilities (even as an oldie!). we don’t want […]

Utmost Social Media Marketing Tips for Educational Startups

With the advent and subsequent rise of social media platforms, businesses have access to more marketing channels than ever before. Whether you aim to provide a life-long learning platform for stay-at-home freelancers or an educational platform for professional teachers and tutors, social media marketing is a prospect worth looking into.  However, nailing down the right […]

What Marketing Work to Outsource and What to Do Internally

What Marketing Work to Outsource and What to Do Internally  To outsource or to do it internally? That is the dilemma most marketers are facing. There are factors that force you to outsource some marketing tasks. First off, startups that cannot hire an in-house team find it economical to outsource.  However, freelance marketers and professional […]

Grassroots Marketing – What Is It and What Can It Do For Your Business?

Most businesses don’t have millions of dollars allocated to in-depth marketing campaigns that can span across markets, industries, and continents. In fact, a majority of businesses have a very limited marketing budget, so it’s important to maximize each and every dollar to get the greatest return on your marketing investment. Grassroots marketing is a strategy […]

Why Authenticity Matters in Influencer Marketing (And How to Be Authentic)

Why Authenticity Matters in Influencer Marketing (And How to Be Authentic). Influencer marketing has existed since the age of dawn. Back in the days, people looked up to leaders and other influential people. After that, celebrities were all the fuzz, and now, social media is dominating the influencer market. The only difference now is that […]

Change in Instagram Trends: Influencers Now Posting 150% More Sponsored Content

While Micro-Influencers account for most of the influencer posting on Instagram, trends have changed in the past year or so. 150% rise in sponsored content has taken place during the past 12 months. Not so long ago, influencers were thought to be people with the status that had a fan following. Usually, brands had their […]