Saturday, October 26

Search Results for: so

How Important is Product Visualization?

Product visualization is an important aspect of many different sectors and industries in most advanced economies. It is a technological advance that has allowed us to become more productive and innovative. Sadly, most people who don’t keep up with tech news and aren’t directly working with tools and programs that enable product visualization often aren’t […]

Hur Många Använder Instagram? Här är Svaret!

Även om Instagram gick med i spelet lite senare än några av de andra populära sociala nätverken (Instagram lanserades 6 oktober 2010 medan Facebook startade 2004, Twitter 2006 och Pinterest i januari 2010), har Instagram verkligen gjort ett namn för sig själv i industrin och växt sig till att bli en av de största sociala […]

8 Powerful Tips to Avoid Business Burnout

Every business at its infant stage needs to be guarded like a baby. This is to ensure it grows into a successful unit. This text is meant to show you how to get this done. Introduction Effectively managing a business to make it a success isn’t an easy thing to do. Many people fail to […]

11 Ideas for Web Design and Content that Converts

Optimizing your website’s design and content is one of the best things you can do for your business.  When you optimize your site’s web design and content, you’re providing information that will help search engines learn about your business. Search engines use that information to decide what pages will appear on SERPs for relevant keywords […]

Marknadsföring på Facebook: En Komplett Guide

Facebook är ett otroligt kraftfullt marknadsföringsverktyg. Du har utan tvekan hört detta redan. Det är trots allt världens största sociala nätverk, och hittills möjliggör oöverträffade kommunikationsvägar. Aldrig tidigare har företag kunnat nå sin kundbas så enkelt och på en så intim nivå. Naturligtvis innebär det i sig själv att du inte kan gå in utan […]

Next Day Delivery at Your Fingertips: Using it in your Business

Next day delivery is no longer the luxurious shipping option it once appeared to be. The fast-paced world brought upon us by the 21st century taught us about the importance of time and timing. The local post is certainly not the best choice when one needs a time-sensitive package to be delivered. But how much […]

Företagskonto för Företag – Hur Kan Du Använda Det?

Instagram introducerade företagsprofiler / affärsprofiler år 2016. Sedan dess har många företag valt att byta sina Instagram-konton från en personlig profil till en affärsprofil. Förändringen verkade oundviklig, eftersom Instagram nu ägs av Facebook. På många sätt fungerar Instagram som en förlängning av Facebook, med betoning på det visuella, och detta är särskilt fallet för företagskonton […]

5 Easy Ways to Generate Web Traffic in Minutes 

In the cutthroat world of digital marketing, rapid traffic generation is more important than anything else. You might have the most beautiful website, the best-written content, and the most attractive deals for your target customer, but none of this matters if no-one ever actually visits your website. A rookie mistake that many websites tend to […]

8 Ways SEO can Help Boost Your Business’ Online Presence

With more and more people using the Internet to search for products and service providers, there is no denying that your business needs to implement search engine optimization (SEO) nowadays. Otherwise, you will be missing out on a lot of opportunities. That said, here are eight ways SEO can help boost your business’ online presence: […]

How to Start a Video Advertising Campaign

Video advertising usually means two things to most businesses. For some, it means advertising via video content. For a rising number of companies though, video marketing means offering ads embedded in videos, especially streaming content. Embedded video ads are increasing in popularity thanks to users who are consuming unprecedented amounts of entertainment and interactive content […]

Vad är Instagram? En guide för Nybörjare

Instagram är en gratis, online-delad applikation och plattform för socialt nätverk som köptes upp av Facebook 2012. Instagram tillåter användare att redigera och ladda upp foton och klippa videor via en mobilapp. Användare kan lägga till en bildtext till vart och ett av sina inlägg och använda hashtags och platsbaserade geotaggar för att indexera dessa […]

5 Crucial Things to Know about Micro-Influencer Marketing

There are things you need to know about micro-influencers. Do you know them? If you’re in any way familiar with influencer marketing, chances are, you’ve heard the term micro-influencer as well. Not only has influencer marketing skyrocketed over the years, but so has the popularity of micro-influencers. For most marketers, influencer marketing is something new […]

A Guide to Maintaining Your Site’s SEO Ranking

Most people focus on getting their site as high up a search engine’s list as possible. This is why they imagine that they can finally relax once they have reached their goal. Unfortunately, this isn’t the case. Understand, you have competition that is vying for that same spot and who will continue to try and […]

Canada VS Australia: Which Country Is the Best for Business Higher Education?

Do you plan to study abroad? Are you wondering if it would be better to study in Australia vs Canada? When compared to the American and British educational systems, Canadian and Australian universities don’t get as much attention. If we look at the World University Rankings 2020, we’ll see that the University of Sydney ranks […]

What is the Definition of an influencer? Here’s The Answer!

What is it That Define a Social Media Influencer? What is the definition of an influencer? If you have even just a tiny bit of experience with influencer marketing, you probably think you know the answer to this question. But do you really know what a social media influencer is? What is it that defines one? […]

How to Create an Email Marketing Strategy

Meta Description The right email marketing strategy can help you reach new target audiences, market your product effectively and grow sales and revenues for your company. Read on to know more.  Introduction Even though there have been numerous new channels and mediums invented for outreach, the humble email remains right at the top. When it […]

Så Kontaktar du Facebook Support!

Hur man kontaktar Facebook och får support när du behöver det. De flesta sociala nätverk har några kontaktformulär för användare att rapportera problem. Facebook har å andra sidan över 100 kontaktformulär för nästan alla problem du kan stöta på när du använder Facebook. För närvarande finns det inget direkt sätt att kontakta Facebook via telefon […]

Mobile Marketing Trends in 2020: Must-Know Tips

The rapid development of technology creates a solid ground for innovations and regularly changes the way we do things. It eventually changes our lifestyles and preferences, creating newer trends in every aspect of life ever so often. Mobile marketing is not an exception. Marketers must follow the trends in their expertise in order not to […]

Cross-Sell and Up-Sell Better with the Right E-Commerce Platform

Anyone who has ever shopped online before has been prompted to buy a related product to the one they’re looking at buying. When the product is more expensive than what is in your cart, it’s called “up-selling,” and when it’s a related but secondary product it’s called “cross-selling.” Cross-selling and up-selling are to digitally native […]

How To Start An Online Business As A Student

Neither school nor college prepares students for the professional world, and the truth is that it can be tough. That’s part of why today’s students feel the push to become entrepreneurs and start earning money from their dorm rooms. The question that brakes many is, ‘how can I start an online business being just a […]