Friday, October 25

Search Results for: so

Developing Mobile Apps For Your Marketing Strategy

The number of desktop users has reduced significantly in recent years giving way to mobile devices. 90% of the time spent by consumers on their mobile devices is on apps. Thus today mobile applications dominate the ways in which people consume digital information and your marketing efforts should take this into consideration.  As web applications […]

Why Influencer Marketing Should be Part of your Marketing Strategy

The way businesses are doing their marketing is rapidly changing. Generally speaking, it is often the large corporates which are using the more traditional ways of marketing today, also known as display advertising, which mainly includes Television, billboards, magazines and even radio. There are many reasons for this. One reason is that that is “how […]

Running A Successful Business After Reputational Damage

The annual cost to businesses of unhappy customers is $537 billion, as they see their reputation damaged by online reviews, word of mouth and even have a higher staff turnover and fewer people willing to work for them in the long-term. Ensuring customer and employee happiness and satisfaction is essential for success, but what if the damage […]

6 Essential Digital Marketing Strategies Still Ignored By Experts

In this millennia, an estimated 51% of people have access or at least have used the internet. While roughly 61% of humans globally own or use mobile phones. Some might consider this era as the “digital age” because the number of digital devices with the ways of accessing it has significantly increased. During the 90’s […]

How to Perform a Comparative Market Analysis

A comparative market analysis, frequently referred to as a CMA, is an in-depth report on the current value of a particular home. A real estate agent prepares it by analyzing the selling prices of similar homes in the area. This tells the homeowner how much the home is worth in the current market in order […]

7 Mistakes You Should Avoid In Your Blog Content

If you are a professional blogger or just starting out in blogging, content writing is always a daunting task. Content is always the king that decide if a blog will get the reader or simply get lost in the lot. So, you know if you have to own the search results and get the attention […]

3  Ways to Invest In A Healthier Lifestyle

These days it’s normal to get caught up in bad habits–bad habits such as not getting enough sleep and letting stressful situations like finding The Best Online Stock Trading Brokers get the best of you, but not at the cost of your health. Here are three basic, but effective tips to help you begin investing […]

10 Simple Tips to Boost Your Content Shares

Let’s face it. A great deal of content published on the web remains without attention when it comes to comments, likes, links, and especially shares. Why is it so? Statistics show that the average person is exposed to around 5,000 ads and brands daily. As a result, getting someone to notice and share your post […]

4 Inspirational TED Talks to Help Managers Become Effective Leaders

For a very long time, we have been taught both in schools and in our organizations that managers should manage work and leaders should lead people. It somehow made us believe that managers and leaders are always two separate people.  But in our nowadays world where creativity, innovation, and empowerment are as important as making […]

Effective Ways to Make Your Company More Innovative

One of the keys to creating a successful business is to stay one step ahead of your competitors. Another is to be able to look into the future and anticipate what your customers are likely to want in the years ahead, giving you the opportunity to meet those needs before they even have the chance […]

How to Incorporate Dropshipping into Your E-Commerce Business

If you have a brick and mortar store, you must have items on your shelves or no one will buy from you. But if you have an e-commerce business, you can sell items all day every day without ever having to touch them yourself. It’s called dropshipping. If you’re not familiar with this term, dropshipping […]

How to Increase Instagram Engagement: a Complete Guide

If you’ve been using Instagram for a while, you’ve probably seen your engagement on Instagram drop. For some, quite substantially, for others, a little less. Instagram engagement is the fuel for success on the platform, because after all, Instagram is a social media platform, and if people aren’t engaging with you or your posts, really, […]

11 Powerful Benefits of Influencer Marketing

Influencer marketing has almost appeared like a star on the sky at the speed of light. In just a few years, it went from something that most people didn’t even know about, to playing an important role in their marketing strategy. Marketing with the help of social media influencers is getting more and more popular […]

How To Build A Website That Grabs The User’s Attention

Having a website is the best way to advertise, get the attention of potential customers, and be available 24 hours a day. The average person goes online to check their social media and look for products, services, and information over 20 times a day. That is a higher average than any other entertainment medium, or […]

7 Tips for Writing Better Blog Posts

There is more to writing a blog than populating a screen with words. If you have been writing content and publishing it, but you are not noticing any improvements in terms of brand awareness or leads to your website, then it is time to pause and reflect on what you are missing. The value of […]

8 Habits That Separate Extraordinary People From Everyone Else

If you’re thinking about embarking on a journey of radically changing your approach towards life, everyday things and doings to match them with those who are perceived as ’outstanding’, ’superb’, ’remarkable’, ’extraordinary’ – look no further. But at the same time, be fully aware that the transformation that you seek comes with a certain price. […]

How to Spot if an Influencer is Fake

When choosing influencers to partner with, it’s important that you examine their accounts very carefully. Many marketers make the deadly mistake to only look at the follower count that the influencers has and then think that is the total amount of people they will reach. This is of course not the reality. Due to social […]

7 CRO Tips to Get More from Your Traffic

If one of your landing pages, or your website in general, is getting a lot of traction lately, but the traffic isn’t converting into leads or sales, there’s no reason to panic. But it could be a sign that you need to be taking conversion rate optimization seriously and start looking for solutions. Unless you […]

What Does Influencer Marketing Mean? A Complete Guide

Influencer marketing is a relatively new form of marketing. On the other hand, it’s a relatively old form of marketing. Sounds strange, right? Well, let me explain. Influence (marketing) has existed essentially as long as humans have existed. You may recognize yourself in this since you’re influenced by what other people say and do, consciously, […]