Friday, October 25

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Snapchat på Datorn: Såhär Gör Du!

Att skicka Snaps till folk via Snapchat är ett roligt och snabbt sätt att interagera med vänner och familj. Vanligast brukar man dela med sig av mindre finputsade bilder och videos på sin story, som man kanske inte hade lagt upp på andra sociala medier plattformar, eftersom att de försvinner efter 24 timmar. Appen har […]

Instagram Namn: så Väljer du ett Bra Användarnamn!

Att skapa ett användarnamn för Instagram är otroligt viktigt. Långt viktigare än vad många faktiskt tror. Det är livsnerven i ditt Instagram-konto, eftersom användarnamnet används för att upptäcka din profil, ditt varumärke och är en kritisk faktor om en person följer dig eller inte. Med andra ord har ditt Instagram namn stor påverkan på din […]

Snapchat Dagar: Vad är Det och hur Fungerar Det?

Snapchat är en social medieplattform som tillåter dig att skicka bilder, videos, och chattar till vänner, som sedan försvinner efter att de har blivit öppnade. Det är en interaktiv plattform med massor av olika funktioner såsom ansiktsfilter och renderingar. Med över 300 miljoner användare varje månda är Snapchat en av världens största sociala medieplattformer. I […]

3 Ways to Record and Save Video Calls on Skype

Having the ability to record and save your Skype video calls can be very useful. Not only will it let you save personal calls with friends and family, but you could use it to save any important business meetings or work conversations that you may have on the platform. The best part is that there […]

Snapchat Poäng: så Fungerar De!

Snapchat poäng: så fungerar dem! Hur bestäms dina Snapchat poäng? Medan ingen vet säkert vad den exakta algoritmen Snapchat använder är, verkar det som att poängen ökas med minst en eller flera punkter av någon av dessa tre handlingar: Antalet snaps du skickar. Antalet snaps du ser. Antalet stories du skickar. Snapchat-poängen ökar inte för […]

Snapchat Kartan: Allt Du Behöver Veta Om SnapMap!

Snapchat kartan är någonting som har skapat både debatt och diskussion. Det är en funktion i Snapchat appen, och om du har använt Snapchat men inte varit uppmärksam finns det en liten risk att du kan ha missat Snapchat kartor funktionen, oftast kallad “Snapmap”. I denna artikel får du lära dig allt du behöver veta […]

11 Tips To Create a Landing Page For Your Influencer Campaign [Infographic]

The growth of Influencer Marketing in recent times has been tremendous. It is an excellent marketing strategy that helps drive more referral traffic and sales. It helps increase brand awareness and helps you reach a wider audience. More importantly, it is a cost-effective marketing strategy that helps boost SEO, while providing greater value to your […]

Snapchat Symboler: Allt Du Behöver Veta & Komplett Lista!

Har du någonsin undrat vad Snapchat symbolerna på Snapchat betyder? De flesta ser Snapchat symbolerna bredvid sina chatter, men endast ett fåtal vet vad Snapchat Emojis faktiskt betyder. Och detta kanske inte är så konstigt eftersom att det inte finns någon utskriven försklaring bredvid snapchat symbolerna. Men oroa dig inte, för i denna artikel försklarar vi innebörden av Snapchat […]

Top 5 Powerful Technical SEO Tips You Must Know

Google is the primary source of traffic across the internet providing the cheapest and fastest means of amassing views. This part you might know but what you might not is why your website is still toiling in the SEO race yet you create excellent, optimized content time and time again. Well, your answer is down […]

How to Improve Your Influencer Marketing Campaigns

Have you run influencer marketing campaigns but just cannot get any traction? You’ve probably read all the influencer marketing statistics of just how effective influencer marketing really is, but your results aren’t anywhere near that. But there’s a caveat to all the influencer marketing statistics, like with everything. The catch is that while influencer marketing […]

Can Facebook App Quizzes Steal Your Data?

Facebook app quizzes have become one of the most popular pastime activities on the internet. According to, the story that got the most attention on the New York Times website back in 2013 was a quiz. This goes to show that people are interested in interactive content, regardless of what the quizzes are about. […]

Small Financial Changes you NEED to Commit to this Year

Small Financial Changes you NEED to Commit to this Year Making the most of your money can feel like an endless difficult circle – and if you are dealing with debt, you may even feel trapped or stressed with the way your finances are working out. You may feel your pay cheque is used up […]

Top 5 Apps to Keep Your Business under Control

The goal of every entrepreneur is to be successful and expand their business. However, with great success comes great responsibility. For example, what started in a small garage in 1975 eventually grew into Apple Incorporation, one of the most successful and rapidly developing IT enterprises in the world.  As the company expanded, its founders faced […]

How to Install Windows 10 On MacBook?

It is well-known to everybody that Apple makes mind-blowing techy gadgets. Just name it: ear pods, smartphones, laptops, tablets, iPad and a lot more. The reason why most people make use of Apple products is because of the quality and their durability. In comparison to other brands, their products are top-notch and incredibly exceptional. It’s […]

Implementing A Reset Routine to Be More Productive

Work overload, stress, and burnout can leave anyone unmotivated to stay productive. Not to mention the physical and mental challenges you have to go through to actually complete any kind of work. Feeling mentally and physically burned out and exhausted is a no-go when it comes to productivity and dealing with daily responsibilities at home […]

How Not To Burn Out While Earning Money?

So, you’re passionate about your career and success? That’ awesome, but have you been overworking yourself just to out-perform and accomplish more in a short period of time? Now, that’s not good, especially for your health, and over time, for your business as well. In case you’re avoiding smart work-practices, you should be feeling very […]

The Importance of Education in Business

Nowadays, there are many who wholeheartedly believe that education has nothing in common with strong entrepreneurial competencies. However, they have to admit that a diploma in Business can bring them lots of opportunities to build a successful career. Of course, there are many entrepreneurs without a relevant degree but, it is worth noting, that these […]

4 Powerful SEO Tips that will Skyrocket Your Rankings

4 powerful SEO tips that will skyrocket your rankings It’s no secret that when executed correctly, SEO (Search Engine Optimisation) can generate incredible marketing results. But SEO is like an art, that takes time to master, and in order to optimize your website and skyrocket your rankings, you need to know exactly how search engines […]

4 Common Mistakes To Avoid When Creating Online Business Forms

Are you creating online forms for your business? Regardless of whether it is a survey, contact form, feedback form, or registration form – it is important that you try to ensure your forms are as mistake-free as possible. Some of the more common mistakes that you should try to avoid when creating online forms for […]

Why you Need to Invest in Influencer Marketing (Infographic)

I’ve said it a million times already (432 times in written form to be precise), influencer marketing is an extremely effective marketing method. But only if you execute correctly. You can see influencer marketing almost like a tool for marketing, and just like a screwdriver, hammer, or any other tool, influencer marketing won’t be effective […]