Thursday, October 24

Search Results for: so

Powerful Tips and Reasons to use Influencer Marketing

Tips and reasons to use influencer marketing. It has become increasingly common for companies to use Influencer Marketing. But why is it so popular? In this blog post, we list the top reasons why you should include Influencer Marketing into your marketing strategy. We will also give you tips on what to consider before using […]

Business in Your Smartphone: The Apps Every Newbie Business Person Needs

You can hardly meet a person in business without a smartphone. Powerful portable gadgets help the entrepreneur to manage in all spheres of activity and quickly solve the urgent problems. However, there are special mobile applications for business, the programs that will improve your efficiency. They allow you to monitor the current environment, organize the […]

12 Website Software Tools You Need to Know to Boost the Traffic

While an increasing number of consumers are making their purchases online and using the internet to make informed buying decisions, brands are also increasingly devising ways to engage with them. The internet users are now in billions and this means plenty of opportunities to connect with your targeted audience online and drive them to your […]

How Social Media can Help your E-commerce Business

Social media has become a huge part of everyday life of people nowadays. Global Digital Report 2019 finds that 46 percent of global population are active social media users with Facebook, Twitter and Instagram being the top three most popular social networking sites. Social media is attracting users of all age ranges as a place […]

Algoritm Sociala Medier: så Funkar Algoritmer på Olika Plattformer

Varje social medie plattform har en unik uppsättning tekniska element, komplicerad logik och användningsanalys som utgör algoritmen som levererar innehåll till sina användare. Sett i fluktuationen av sociala medie algoritmer tidigare, är den största överväganden – eller debatten – att balansera personlig relevans med postaktualitet. Dessa algoritmer hanteras av dedikerade team av programvaruingenjörer, datavetare, innehållsstrateger […]

3 Important Business Lessons We Can Learn from Playing Poker

When it comes to running a business, you can take inspiration from anyone and anywhere. Some are influenced by Steve Jobs and the military precision with which he ran Apple to become one of the most successful brands in the world. Others praise Richard Branson for dabbling with so many different industries as part of […]

Advisory Tips to Grow your Business in Malaysia

Are you doing business in Malaysia? Do you have a plan to expand and grow your current business in Malaysian market? If you are still following your redundant business strategy and expect company growth in Malaysia, then you are in a big illusion. Malaysian business strategy has gone far ahead. Company in present scenario demands […]

How Technology and Social Media Are Changing Sport

Photo by Tim Mossholder, License Technology has changed just about every industry and part of human life. It first gave us ways to feed and clothe ourselves more efficiently, then helped us travel the earth much more easily. It delivered the many home comforts we enjoy today: television, radio, microwaves, and the internet. And it also helped […]

Omvärldsbevakning i Sociala Medier – Så Gör Du!

Socialt lyssnande: vad är det, vad betyder något och hur kan du använda det? Detta har många olika namn och benämningar. Omvärldsbevakning på sociala medier, social listening, sociala medielyssnande, och så vidare. Varför är omvärldsbevakning på sociala medier viktigt? Vilka är de bästa sociala lyssnarverktygen? Lär dig mer om omvärldsbevakning på sociala medier i denna […]

GDPR på Sociala Medier – Detta Bör du Veta!

När de nya reglerna gällande hur personuppgifter lagras blev officiellt märkte du antagligen att ett antal appar och webbplatser översvämmar din inkorg med e-postmeddelanden om sekretesspolicy på senare tid, till och med de webbplatser som du inte har besökt på flera år. Dessa e-postmeddelanden kommer troligen från företag som meddelar att de har ändrat sin […]

Reklam På Sociala Medier: Vad är Det Och Hur Fungerar Det?

Vad är reklam på sociala medier? Hur fungerar det, och hur kan du som företagare utnyttja det till den fördel? Från början har sociala medier haft en viktig inverkan på oss alla. Sociala medier började som ett sätt för människor att kommunicera och interagera  med varandra. Vid denna tidpunkt har sociala medier blivit mycket mer. […]

Facebook Sök efter Personer: så Söker du på Facebook

Många använder Facebook för att prata och hålla kontakt med vänner och familj. Det beror på att Facebook är den största och mest populära webbplatsen för sociala nätverk på webben idag. Miljontals människor checkar in på Facebook dagligen, vilket gör det till ett fantastiskt kraftfullt verktyg för att hitta människor du kanske har tappat kontakten […]

Make Money While Studying: How to Use Social Media Effectively as a Student

Let start win a fun fact! Do you know an average person spends approximately 2 hours a day on social media? Assuming you are an average social media user, how do you spend the two hours? Although social media was initially meant for interacting with friends and having funs, you can now make money while […]

What Should You Target: Social Media or Search Engines?

If your business relies on the Internet to function, there are two primary ways you can drive organic traffic to your web platform: creating social media pages for your business and try to gain followers and market through the page and trying to rank higher for certain key phrases on Google and Bing and trying […]

5 Reasons Why Online Reviews are Essential for Your Brand

With so many businesses on the market today and so many options to choose from, modern customers simply no longer care who launched a product first or who has the most innovative offer. Instead, modern consumers tend to be more focused on choosing the right company to do business with and the right business to […]

Which Social Platform Should you use for Influencer Marketing?

Which social platform should you use for influencer marketing? Influencer marketing is growing enormously worldwide, and marketing budgets are increasingly moving from traditional marketing to Influencer marketing and online marketing, simply because that is where the consumers are. Consumers do their best to dodge traditional advertising such as television ads, and as a marketer, it […]

Lessons on Creating Successful Marketing Strategies from the World of Finance

Companies that operate around financial markets undoubtedly work within an incredibly competitive industry. Frequently handling and moving large amounts of money, they require a constant stream of customers to keep their enterprise in the game and on top form. It’s not only about attracting clients in the first instance, however. On top of this, these […]

Marketing Lessons From Online Casinos

If there’s one thing online casinos are excellent at doing its marketing themselves. Every virtual casino worth its salt is an expert at getting its name out there, which is no easy task in this day and age considering there are hundreds of gaming sites in operation. The big picture is changing all the time. […]