Tuesday, March 4

3 SEO Techniques That can Help Your Website Jump the Rankings

3 SEO Techniques That Can Help Your Website Jump the Rankings

As a website owner, your biggest concern should be ensuring that your website ranks high in search engine rankings. This allows you to get more traffic on your website and generate more income as well. Search engine optimization is one primary way in which you can get better search engine rankings and get more traffic to your website, but it is a little complicated and can take some time to master. One thing that you can do is to hire experts to help you with it. For starting, here are three main SEO tips that experts at Fat Cow Media recommend if you want to help your website jump the rankings:

Improving the website

Even though the content itself is also significant, you must understand that user experience of the website matters a lot in deciding how long consumers stay at your site and how long it takes for them to find the information they are looking for. Investing in making your website faster by reviewing page elements, enabling browser caching, and reducing plugins, can help your site become faster. The easier to use and pleasant your website is, the longer customers will want to stay on it. Search engine rankings also depending on the length of time an average user spends on your website so not only does this encourage search engines to rank you higher, but it also makes it easier for your incoming traffic to use your website.

Optimise the mobile site

Research suggests that almost 60% of web traffic is coming from mobile phones and tablets etc. Users want to access content on the go and want the webpages to be web-browser compatible and easy to use. While building a mobile website, remember that a mobile website and a desktop website will look and operate differently. A site that is created and designed for people on the go will allow your customers to enjoy their mobile website encounter more, and they will stay on your website longer as well. A straightforward way to optimise a mobile website is to make sure images, gifs, embedded videos, and all other media are easy and quick to load as well.

Long-tail keywords

This is a well-kept SEO secret that a lot of people do not know about. A long-tail keyword, as the name suggests, is a keyword that is longer than regular keywords, is a lot more specific in terms of the content, and is not limited to one or two words. For an SEO keyword strategy, it is essential to use long-tail keywords because even though they might bring in less traffic overall, the traffic they bring will be more relevant.

This traffic will engage more with your website and will stay on the webpages for longer; all of which count towards ranking your website higher in search engine rankings.

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