Monday, March 3

4 Sure Signs You Need to Change Your SEO Specialist

A website is an important tool for marketing any brand. It also acts as the gateway for any business wanting to increase business and create a brand name in the industry. So, if you want your website to stand out from the competition, you need to invest in SEO.

A survey showed that it takes about 50 milliseconds for any user to form an opinion about the website. So, you need to check if your website’s SEO is being done rightly, or not!

The Need for Search Engine Optimisation

Search engine optimization or SEO is an important tool for any website’s marketing. It helps you to reach your target audience, boosts engagement, and also helps you create your own identity. With keyword optimization and other services like mobile speed optimization and content optimization, you can not only improve your website but also make it user-friendly.

SEO also helps in getting potential customers to the website. This is because if the SEO is done right, the people who are looking for goods and services related to your businesses’ segment will come to your website after seeing the website on their Google Search Enquiry.

There are many SEO specialists based in Melbourne, but only some stand out! So, you need to understand whether your current SEO specialist is giving you the desired RoI or not. To help you, I have also enlisted some sure-shot signs which if visible show a red flag!

1.They don’t show you the progress made so far

When we talk about results or RoI, it does not mean immediate results, i.e., in the first quarter of your business. Usually, SEO takes a considerable amount of time to show results, and it is close to 3-6 months for the results to stabilize. However, it also depends on the website along with several other factors.

Even though the desired results may take time, they should be able to show you the progress they have made so far. Starting from a plan of action, Website Audit, research of keywords, the forums for creation of backlinks, and last but not the least, topics for blogs, all these things need to be discussed by your current SEO Specialist.

They should also help you with a plan for optimizing the content on your website. Well, if you do not have clarity on all these things, you need to change your SEO Specialist!

2.They don’t understand your business

If you want a good SEO specialist, they need to be active and entertain and enlighten all your queries. They should make efforts to understand your business better. If they fail to understand the business, they will not be able to do justice to the SEO Activities.

For instance, if your business caters to inter-city clientele and has a presence in other countries, you cannot rely on SEO restricted to the national domain, only.

They should also ask you for access to certain things on your website, like the backend access to the CMS, admin access to the Google Analytics dashboard, Google Webmasters tools, access to social media handles, etc. If your current agency is still not awake, well then, it’s high time, you need a “change”.

3. They cannot share their mode of SEO Practice!

Usually, SEO specialists prefer to share the general mode of operation for SEO Practices. It does not necessarily mean them sharing their trade secrets, but if you have regular queries, they should definitely know how to face them, and give you weekly suggestions for improvisation.

You need to understand, whether their practices are legitimate or not, and if they fail to justify their work, or hide things from you, you need to change your SEO Specialist, as soon as possible!

4.Your rankings have dropped.

You must always keep an eye on your SEO score and Google Analytics dashboard for a benchmark. After working for a considerable amount of time, if the rankings have dropped or the results are not similar to the benchmark, you need to understand that the methods employed may not be right.

This is when you should change the SEO Specialist, and get someone on board with a vision and the will to do the “real” work.

Final thoughts!

According to a statistic, 61% of marketers believe that SEO is pivotal when it comes to online success. And, if you are not being able to leverage the same, you need to change your SEO specialist and keep these aforementioned things while choosing your new SEO Specialist!

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