Wednesday, March 12

How to Know if Someone Blocked you on Snapchat

Want to know how to know if someone blocked you on Snapchat?

You’re in the right spot! Welcome.

“If someone were to block me on Snapchat, would I still be able to view their stories?

“How do I know if someone has blocked me on Snapchat?”

These are just two of many questions that are all asking the same thing.

In fact, they might be questions you are trying to find answers to.

Well, look no further! In this short article, I’ll share with you How to Know if Someone Blocked you on Snapchat.

The answer to that question is quite simple, however, there are several ways to spot you’ve been blocked by someone on Snapchat.

Snapchat does not give the option to get a notification when someone blocks you (for good reasons) but there are a few ways to see if you’ve been blocked by someone on Snapchat. In other words, there is no built-in feature in the Snapchat app that tells you exactly if someone blocked you on Snapchat, with a list of all the people who have done so.

Instead, in order to Know if Someone Blocked you on Snapchat, you need to do some detective work yourself.

If you’re more of a visual learner, take a look at this YouTube video. Otherwise, continue reading:

Will you be able to see someone’s stories if you are blocked by them on Snapchat?

The short and quick answer if you will see their stories when they have blocked you is No. If someone would block you on Snapchat, you would no longer be able to view their Stories.

How to Know if Someone Blocked you on Snapchat

As mentioned, there are several ways to see if you have been blocked by someone. Here they are:

How to Know if Someone Blocked you on Snapchat: Method 1:

If you were deleted or blocked on Snapchat, you will not have that person as a friend and you won’t be able to find them on your friend list. If you know that you haven’t blocked or deleted that person, you’ll be able to know that they have blocked you.

How to Know if Someone Blocked you on Snapchat: Method 2:

If you send a person snaps often, but then notice that those snaps aren’t being sent, you can assume that there is something going on. Sure, it might depend on bad internet connection, but if you aren’t able to send snaps to someone after several attempts, you can assume that you’ve been blocked.

How to Know if Someone Blocked you on Snapchat: Method 3:

Another way to know if someone blocked you on Snapchat is to try to search for the username of the person you suspect has blocked you. If you don’t find him/her while you are searching, they have most likely blocked you.

How to Know if Someone Blocked you on Snapchat: Method 4:

A way to be able to identify if someone has blocked you on Snapchat is to look at the Snap score. Look up the account of the person and then take a look at their Snapchat score. Their snap score is showcased next to their username. If you can’t see the snap score, the person has either deleted or blocked you.

How to Know if Someone Blocked you on Snapchat: Method 5:

If you are able to find the account of the person you believe has blocked you, tap “add”. If you get the message “sorry! Couldn’t find (username)” you are blocked by that person.

Hopefully, you can now find the people who have blocked you on Snapchat.

Hope that you found this article useful!

Related: Deleting Someone On Snapchat – All You Need To Know

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