Wednesday, March 12

How To Use Snapchat To Benefit Your Business

How To Use Snapchat To Benefit Your Business

There are loads of ways in which Snapchat can benefit your business. In this article, we´ll therefore be showing you How To Use Snapchat To Benefit Your Business.

Create a following.
This isnt dissimilar to the other social media platforms and while it takes time to build up a following, there’s no point using something if you don’t have the viewers! It’s possibly a little harder to do this as Snapchat doesn’t support the use of hashtags which Instagram is known for but again, it’s not impossible. Sharing your Snapchat username and photo across all your social media channels will see existing users start to follow you pretty quickly. You can make it sound like you’re offering great content and that they’re getting a feeling of missing out by not following you.

Focus on your why.
When creating your content it’s again important to focus on WHY you’re on Snapchat in the first place. Is it to make sales? To create a good reputation? Or to build up a relationship with your followers? This is unique to all businesses depending on the nature of the service they provide, but always have your WHY in the back of your mind when posting.

Interact with your followers.
I’ve often said that social media is like being in any social situation. You can’t just sit there and expect people to talk to you without any input from yourself, and Snapchat is no different. Engage with your audience by asking questions, encourage them to screenshot and repost your content and follow people back. Always reply to any comments you receive to let people know that the person behind the screen cares.


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