Monday, March 3

Instagram Stories VS Snapchat Stories (Infographic)

Instagram Stories VS Snapchat Stories (Infographic)

Ever since the launch of Instagram Stories, it has been considered to be a complete rip-off from Snapchat stories.

This is because of many reasons.

First of all, the concept is identical.

The possibility of posting 24-hour stories in video or photo format was first released by Snapchat as their main concept apart from sending so-called snaps to only selected friends.

As the existence of Instagram stories continued, Instagram has also integrated ”new” features into stories. Features that could be recognized from Snapchat stories.

These features were things such as Stickers, filters, the ability to check in at different locations, paint on the photo/video, use filters on your face to change your looks when using the selfie camera and much more.

Whether that is true or not can be debated but the question that remains is if Instagram has succeeded with trying to attract Snapchat users to use Instagram Stories instead of Snapchat stories.

And it seems like Instagram has succeeded with just that.

In April this year, Instagram announced that 200 million people were using Instagram stories daily.

This announcement has been considered to be a mock to Snapchat as they ”only” have reported 162 million daily users (in February 2017).

On top of that, the Snapchat copied stories on Instagram is only 8 months old while Snapchat stories has existed for several years.

This infographic asks and answers the question ”where do influencers post more, Instagram or Snapchat stories?” and brings out the differences between the two platforms.

Because influencers are industry-leading individuals, they can often be used as an indication of how social media is evolving and give us a slightly better understanding of new trends and help us stay on top of them.

Instagram Stories VS Snapchat Stories (Infographic)

Instagram Stories VS Snapchat Stories (Infographic)Instagram Stories VS Snapchat Stories (Infographic)Instagram Stories VS Snapchat Stories (Infographic)Instagram Stories VS Snapchat Stories (Infographic)Instagram Stories VS Snapchat Stories (Infographic)Instagram Stories VS Snapchat Stories (Infographic)Instagram Stories VS Snapchat Stories (Infographic)Instagram Stories VS Snapchat Stories (Infographic)

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