Saturday, February 22

Simple and Quick Tips to Improve Your Social Media Strategy

Simple and Quick Tips to Improve Your Social Media Strategy

Do you want to improve your social media game and get more likes, shares and better results?

In this article, we’ll present you with 6 Simple and Quick Tips to Improve Your Social Media Strategy, so you can get much better results with very little effort and small tweaks in the way you use social media.

Simple and Quick Tips to Improve Your Social Media Strategy


Studies have found that texture-heavy images are 79% more popular than regular images on Instagram, so if you want to increase your engagement, focus on posting content with texture as they tend to generate better results.

Also, if you’re looking to increase your likes on your posts, changing the dominant color of the photo to blue can do a lot.

Studies have found that blue-dominant photos get 24% more likes.


When Tweeting, use 100 characters. If you do so, you’ll get 17% more retweets. In addition, adding pictures to your Tweets can further increase the engagement. In fact, images will increase a Tweet’s shareability by 94%!


On Facebook, you should not use 100 characters like on Twitter.

Because there’s so much content being posted on Facebook, and a lot of the posts have long captions, limiting yourself to 40 characters and you’ll stand out from the crowd,  gaining you 86% more attention.


If you aren’t a regular poster on LinkedIn and only post a few times a month, stepping up your posting habits and post once a week, you increase the chances of being contacted by a recruiter ten fold!

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