Monday, March 3

Tag: money saving tips

How to Start Saving Money with 6 Simple Wins (Without Being Frugal)

How to Start Saving Money with 6 Simple Wins (Without Being Frugal)

Entrepreneur & Lifestyle
Easier said than done. With all the modern-day pressures to keep up with the Jones’, temptations to indulge and satisfy your immediate needs, living below your means is a skill that takes a long time to master. The fact is this, most of the time when people look up tips on how to save money the most common piece of advice is this: make sure you make your savings before spending and save for a goal.  But, saving money isn’t about not buying that $5 Starbucks latte that has been a long time thirst, it’s actually spending from the rightly budgeted funds for fun-spending which is all about building long term habits that allow you to earn more and spend less. So how do you actually live a financially balanced life without being frugal? Here we have it, a breakdown of the 6 most-...