Monday, March 3

Tag: saving

How to Start Saving Money with 6 Simple Wins (Without Being Frugal)

How to Start Saving Money with 6 Simple Wins (Without Being Frugal)

Entrepreneur & Lifestyle
Easier said than done. With all the modern-day pressures to keep up with the Jones’, temptations to indulge and satisfy your immediate needs, living below your means is a skill that takes a long time to master. The fact is this, most of the time when people look up tips on how to save money the most common piece of advice is this: make sure you make your savings before spending and save for a goal.  But, saving money isn’t about not buying that $5 Starbucks latte that has been a long time thirst, it’s actually spending from the rightly budgeted funds for fun-spending which is all about building long term habits that allow you to earn more and spend less. So how do you actually live a financially balanced life without being frugal? Here we have it, a breakdown of the 6 most-...
How Digital Coupons Can Boost Your Marketing Strategy

How Digital Coupons Can Boost Your Marketing Strategy

Online Marketing
Whether you are a business giant or someone who has just launched a small company, a strong digital marketing strategy can boost your sales and bring more customers on board. With the internet being on everyone’s fingertips, customers now search for what they want online even if they plan to shop in-store. As per stats, 82% of searchers make up their mind about a purchase in-store by looking at products on their phone first. This change in the landscape of marketing has been rather sudden and rapid with 76% of people thinking that marketing has altered its ways in the last two years more than it has in the past fifty. In fact, your brand is likely to get the attention of at least 50% of the people who see its name pop up more than once. One thing is clear; e-commerce is on the rise and wit...