Tuesday, March 4

Tag: value of your car

5 Things You Should Know About Car Insurance (Even if You’ve Been Driving for Years)

5 Things You Should Know About Car Insurance (Even if You’ve Been Driving for Years)

If you feel befuddled by car insurance, you’re not alone. There’s a lot to get to grips with, and a lot of aspects that even experienced motorists don’t understand. To get you back on track, here are important car insurance facts which will transform your ownership experience, and save you money too! You’ll pay more if you have bad credit Frustrating though it may be, having a low credit score could mean that your car insurance premium is more expensive than people who’ve got sturdier financial foundations. There are some states in which credit score is not legally allowed to be used as a factor in calculating car insurance costs, but for most drivers in the US it’s an unavoidable reality. Because of this, improving your credit score is sensible. The good news is that i...