Friday, February 28

Tag: What does the orange flag mean on Instagram DMs

What Does The Orange Flag Mean on Instagram DMs: Best 2024 Guide!

What Does The Orange Flag Mean on Instagram DMs: Best 2024 Guide!

 This humble tool which is only available for business pages merely flags the chat for future reference. This allows you to follow up later, action requests, diarize events, or simply keep track of conversations. The feature also lets you filter DMs based on your flagged messages, which makes it quicker and easier to find specific messages, without having to go through everything.  More About The Orange Flag Feature It is a tool designed by Instagram on Instagram DMs to help users manage their messages more effectively. Marking a chat with an orange flag, means marking that particular chat as important. This can help users to look out for important messages as well,  in cases they have missed. Once a chat is flagged, it becomes easier to find in the DM inbox, helping users...