To date almost everybody considers explainer videos to be pretty popular among start-ups and large corporations. They function as brief introductions to advertised products or services, disclosing its quality and benefits. These are a great way to promote your business, product, or service to prospective customers, investors, partners, or employees. Currently, there are many animated video services available just to create the popular content.
Additionally, different types of explainer videos can set you side by side with new people, attract more clients, increase your reputation, and lead to more sales. Furthermore, they can bring down the risk of new clientele walking away with negative thoughts about your business. These are videos that are designed to be watched by potential clients on the landing page itself, rather than on another site or via a blog post. Not to mention, explainer videos are highly targeted, as they are aimed at only a specific audience of viewers, who are likely to be interested in the introduced topic.
What is explainer video?
Explainer video is a short, well-produced video that gets across a company or product. You could apply this to introduce a new product, explain the benefits of a new service, or promote an upcoming event.
A good explainer video answers the questions “What is it?” and “Why should I care?” by highlighting the key features and benefits of your product or service. It should be engaging and easy to follow, using clear visuals and professional voiceover narration.
This article describes the most common types of explainer videos and details their key differences.
Type 1: 2D Explainer
This style can easily soak up even the most challenging of material and can also present it in a straightforward manner. Because it is simple to digest and painless to understand, it is extremely popular. It may also be utilised to create a distinctive style of branding. 2D has been proven to be a reliable format for explainer videos.
Type 2: 3D Explainer
A 3D explainer video has a huge impact on the success of your business. It costs more and takes longer to produce, but the impact of using 3D cannot be understated. You’ll be apart from the more traditional 2D style if you have the resources available to invest in a 3D video.
Type 3: Motion Graphics Explainer
Beyond the traditional animation, motion graphics are excellent at conveying abstract concepts that are difficult to perceive. With shapes, colours, and other elements, they are an enjoyable way of contextualising issues that are difficult to communicate in words.
Type 4: Infographic Explainer
These are a terrific choice for presenting a lot of important information in a visually pleasing and easy to understand way. Infographic explainers use charts, text, and other simple images to do this.
Type 5: Screencast Explainer
A simple recording of a computer screen is the most economical, and simplest to produce, screencast. It may be used to effectively demonstrate a website’s functions and qualities. Applying instructions that demonstrate exactly what the customer would see is also possible.
Type 6: Whiteboard Explainer
You’re almost guaranteed to have come across this kind of promotional video in the early 2010s unless you were using the internet. By utilising a whiteboard, a person will draw on images and text, then speed up the footage and provide a voiceover. If you have an artist of any skill level, you can easily make them.
Type 7: Kinetic Typography
These videos use text to explain concepts to viewers. They’re typically used to describe animated speech or talks, in which text moves and changes in time with the audio. It’s a visually interesting method of communicating the word of mouth to your audience.
Type 8: Live Action Explainer
An outstanding example of a video, but without the bells and whistles. Just a set, actors, and cameras are required. They can be made on a modest budget with outstanding results. A narrative may be delivered by actors or customers can testify about their experience, for example.
Type 9: Stop Motion Explainer
These unique pieces of animation are routinely high-priced and exigent to produce. They make use of materials in a 3D space to communicate their message. They are painstakingly crafted and really stand out from traditional animations. Because of this, you will have a difficult time forgetting the experience.
Type 10: Cut Out Explainer
This is a rather uncommon but effective type. You may use paper to create characters and sets in which they appear entirely, and then draw and cut them out to create a stop-motion, 2D, and hand-drawn animation blend. It’s a very appealing and unique way to present your message, and it is also quite simple and inexpensive to produce. It is also fairly non-technical.
Ultimately, the choice is yours and there is no true answer as to which explainer video examples are the best. If you are making a content for your business’s website, then you will want to stick with the ones that focus on customer benefit. Anyway, if you create explainer video for a client, then make sure to keep the target audience in mind as well. To put it another way, think over again, what product, service, or message you want to convey.