Sunday, March 9

Website Testing Tips to Optimize Your Website Performance

With updates like CoreWebVitals, marketers are pairing up with web developers for optimization. While that seems like a logical step, you should think further than that. There is more to website performance optimization.

You can test all aspects of your website and its build. Once you test them all, you assure a better user experience for website visitors.

Best of all, you can do that with simple-to-use tools. All you have to change is your approach to testing. 

Website Performance and Automation Tools

Website performance consists of the functionality and usability of a website’s front-end and back-end. Front-end refers to the set of elements that form the interface and the look of the website. While the back-end refers to the structure, capabilities, functionalities of the website.

To get the best possible performance, you have to combine these aspects. For example, imagine that you have a SaaS website. Your website needs easy navigation but also seamless data processing.

There is no room for bugs. They need to create an account and buy a subscription without errors. And do all that while their private and financial information remains secure. For that purpose, they may use this automation testing tool.  


Testing the front-end of a website is all about testing usability. After all, it is a part of the website meant for interaction with the user. So, you have to ensure that all buttons and links work before the website goes live. 

Another issue is the website speed and responsiveness. Users may use devices with different screen sizes. Therefore, you have to build a website that fits all the criteria. For that, you have to use automation tools to test website structure and compatibility.  

Website Structure

For the front-end side of the website structure, you have to check HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. HTML and CSS form the static structure of the website, while JavaScript is responsible for the dynamic web elements. 

Automation tools can check broken links, code errors, schema markup, and standard compliance. Also, you can test how content loads and whether it loads. Finally, you can text navigation and elementary user experience. 

However, even when you get a report on these issues, there is another element to consider.


You have to check the compatibility of these elements for different devices. Automation tools may check how all these elements render together for those devices.

Aside from devices, there are operating systems and browsers to consider. Websites load differently depending on both operating systems and browsers. Once you check all of that, you can say that you have completed front-end testing.


Then, the time is to test the back-end of the website. The back-end of the website ensures that all functions of the website work without fault. Its purpose is to process a specific function from a user, send it to the server, and then back to the user. 

For example, you click the link to submit your information when purchasing a subscription. The action goes to the server, contacts the database, and performs an action. Then, that action triggers a functionality and returns to you. Now, you can use the functionality you previously bought. 

For that, you have to use automation tools to test databases and server-side functionalities.  


In simple terms, you can say that databases hold all of the website data. The purpose of databases is to store data that lets the website run and keeps its features stable. Without databases, you can’t use any features or even load pages. 

With automation tools, you want to test:

  • Possible errors when executing queries
  • Data integrity
  • Response time of queries
  • Data accuracy that shows on the website

When you know that databases operate properly all that is left is to test functionality. 

Server-Side Functionality

For the last part of the testing, you have to test the following elements: 

  • Website response time 
  • Page speed 
  • SSL certificates 
  • Access to information
  • Web server testing 
  • Database server testing 
  • Cookies 
  • Forms 
  • Business scenarios 

Here, you use automation tools to check for any errors in the business scenario of website use. Automation tools can task elementary functionalities and technical aspects to ensure that everything works as it should.

In the end, there is a single tip to optimize your website performance. Ensure that every element of your website works without fault

Optimize Website Performance 

Optimizing website performance is all about structuring your testing efforts. You can do that through a set of manual tests

Or you can speed up the process and set a standard of quality. If you want to take your business to another level, give automation tools a try. 

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