Content is the backbone of any good blog. But why is checking plagiarism important before publishing?
It’s been 22 years since Bill Gates coined the term “Content is king.” in his Microsoft blog. While it was always true, it’s never been more apparent than it is now. Nowadays, 97% of businesses indulge in content marketing in one way or another—on top of that echelon are blogs.
Blogs can garner traffic, push a website to the top results on SERP and create buzz around any website. However, their primary requirement is original content. So, let’s find out why checking plagiarism is important before publishing blogs.
What Is Plagiarism?
Plagiarism is a common issue in academia. However, it occurs in the same frequency in blogs when an author copies another’s work or when they use someone else’s idea without giving credit to the original author. The problem is that plagiarism can be difficult to detect.
Thus, it often goes unnoticed and unpunished. This can lead to the idea being copied by other authors and becoming widespread on the web— enough for it to be considered a cliché or formula. The first step in avoiding plagiarism is ensuring you understand what constitutes plagiarism.
Simply because this will help you avoid doing it yourself. So, the first cause of plagiarism is the act of taking someone else’s work or ideas and publishing them as your own. It is a huge problem that has been plaguing many industries & niches for years.
Plagiarism not only undermines the credibility of bloggers but also tarnishes the reputation of the blogging community. But thanks to the rapid advancement of technology, detecting and preventing plagiarism has become more accessible and efficient. One innovative tool that aids in the creation of original content is an AI essay writer with an exceptional ability to generate plagiarism-free results.
Why Unique/Plagiarism-Free Content Is Important?
The importance of unique and plagiarism-free content is increasing day by day. In today’s internet landscape, where topics aren’t unique, and goals are common, it’s important to come up with original and new ideas.
In a crowded online landscape, producing unique content sets you apart from competitors. It showcases your distinctive voice, style, and expertise, helping you to stand out as an authoritative figure in your niche. You establish a competitive advantage and attract a dedicated following by consistently delivering original content.
That’s one of the main reasons it has become a necessity for any business to have a blog or at least maintain a website that is updated regularly with fresh content. But, the problem arises when you have to write the content yourself.
You may not be able to come up with enough relevant and original content on your own. When this happens, it’s time for you to find plagiarism in your content and remove it. In the past, plagiarism was a major problem for content writers.
But now, with AI writing assistants’ help, this is no longer an issue. With their help, content writers can find plagiarism.
Why Check Plagiarism Before Publishing Content On A Blog?
Now that we understand plagiarism and the importance of unique content let’s talk about the importance of checking for it in your blog. Here are four key points about it:
To Avoid Consequences
Plagiarism has consequences in any industry or writing setting. In academia, you might get bad grades or a slap on the wrist from your teachers. However, on websites and blogs, these consequences are much more dire, such as:
- It might get Blacklisted by Google.
- The original author might complain about your website to Google.
- Severe cases include suing and legal actions.
Therefore, avoiding plagiarism isn’t necessary; it’s a paramount step in avoiding trouble. If you want your blog to succeed, check for plagiarism before publishing it and avoid the said consequences.
To Ensure Credibility
The credibility of your website should be your top priority. One of the major elements of any credible website or blog is the originality and uniqueness of the content. And, it’s not just about plagiarizing the content; it’s about plagiarizing titles, headlines, topics, subheadings, and even bullet points.
Therefore, any credible website pulls content out of the depths of its imagination. They aren’t reliant on duplicating what anyone else is doing. Instead, they’d present an original take on even the trending topics to establish their credibility.
Originality Grants You More Traffic
Avoiding plagiarism is important; we know that. But how exactly does checking for plagiarism grant more traffic? Let’s talk about human nature for a second. How often is it that you see people get attracted to something just because it’s new or different?
This approach makes the latter sound unique and much more preferred. If a website is writing about an ongoing topic, let’s say revolutionary new technology. Then, the blog with the most informative yet easy-to-understand content will get the most traffic.
Simply because they made it easier for their audience to understand. And one thing about plagiarized content is that it can never achieve this benefit. So, checking for it before you publish your content through any CMS is important.
To Garner An Audience
As mentioned above, original content is a chief requirement for attracting organic traffic. However, the one thing that you need to understand about that is SEO. To keep it simple, here are a few things to remember:
- plagiarized content isn’t deemed unique or informative by Google’s crawlers;
- any similarities between two websites will always attract traffic to the upper/topmost result;
- older posted content will rank higher above any copied or similar content;
Therefore, it would appear that your content might be similar or duplicated to the audience. However, checking your content for plagiarism before publishing and removing subsequent duplicity can prevent it.
How Should You Check Your Blog For Plagiarism Before Publishing?
Checking for plagiarism isn’t rocket science anymore. It used to be that it was considered a difficult thing to do; nowadays, all you have to take are these two steps:
1. Use A Plagiarism Checker
The first step requires you to use a reliable plagiarism checker. It needs to have access to vast databases and a distinctive understanding of plagiarism. So, once you find such a plagiarism scanner, upload your content like this:

Once done, you might have to do a little captcha check. If not, just click on “Check Plagiarism” or whatever the prompt in your selected tool is.
2. Analyze Your Content
The next step is to analyze your content. Once the plagiarism checker scans it, it will show you this:

What are you looking at here?
- The percentage of plagiarism in our scanned text
- The original source of the content
Therefore, upon clicking the “Matched URLs” tab, we see this:

And this is our source. So, before publishing, this process will help you find plagiarism in your content. After that, you will have to rewrite the content, mention the source you find, and then publish your text—in that order.
These are some of the consequences of plagiarism and why you should check for duplicity before publishing your content. Therefore, make sure you follow the right steps to check your content, then remove it before you publish it.