Friday, February 21

Business Security Concerns through the Winter

Business Security Concerns through the Winter

Every season poses a variety of new challenges for security professionals, but there’s no more daunting a season when it comes to safety than winter. When the snow and ice hit, safety concerns go up in every capacity. Luckily, there are a few steps you can take to prepare. Take a look at this list of security and precautions for winter so you’ll be ready. 

Lack of Sunlight 

Possibly, the greatest natural security system ever invented is the sun’s natural light. When there’s daylight late into the evening, visibility remains higher for longer periods of time. Not only does this allow security guards an enormous advantage over criminal activity, but it also introduces a major deterrent to crime. 

The best countermeasure to a lack of light is – you guessed it – electric security lighting. Investing in high-quality security lighting is most important when it comes to exterior locations such as parking lots or any areas outside of your building where someone could gain access for a break and enter. 

Losing Power 

Winter storms and heavy snowfalls have the potential to knock out power and cause electrical security systems to fail. Even if you’re using one of the most secure systems possible, like an ID card printing system, you stand to lose the capabilities of your advanced security services without power. 

The best way to protect against power outages that can disable your lights and ID card printing service is to ensure that your building has a backup generator installed in advance. If your building doesn’t have one itself, then you should purchase one for your business. Don’t wait until it is too late and you end up paying premium prices. When everyone else is rushing to buy a generator, you may even find that there are none left available to purchase. 

Damage Due to Weather 

Almost all of the security devices that you can install run the risk of wear and tear from the winter weather. There’s nothing that can do damage slowly over the long term like ice. If you have perimeter fencing or outdoor cameras, your system will be particularly vulnerable. That’s why it’s important to include an indoor line of defense, such as an ID card security system at your place of work. 

Slippery Surfaces 

In a winter climate, there’s simply no avoiding slippery walkways. As the temperatures vary, the situation gets even worse. Snow melts during the day and turns to black ice at night. A fresh snowfall can make an icy surface even worse. 

You can take precautions against slippery surfaces around your office building by ensuring that all walkways are continuously treated with salt and sand through the winter. It will also help to provide your employees with a safety warning about the walking outdoors in the winter and the importance of proper footwear. 

If you live in an area that gets hit hard by winter weather, make sure you follow these precautions to be ready. Talk to a security solutions provider to learn more about your options. 

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