Wednesday, March 5

CBD Pre-Roll, Oil, & Gummies – Why Are They So Popular

So, you must think I’m a crazy person for trying to make you consider using a product that can might as well be illegal. CBD, Hemp, Marijuana – what’s the difference, right? At the end of the day, aren’t they all the same?


I get it. Marijuana has long been a touchy subject (read more). Some people are all for it while others don’t exactly feel the same way. Smoking pot has always been frowned upon by many people, mainly because its after-effects are not exactly what you would regard as desirable. 

However, science has come a long way since then – and Cannabis users have graduated from the hippy-living-in-a-dump image to having a more sophisticated and delicate way of life. More than wanting to feel trippy, Cannabis-based products are now produced in a way that health benefits are maximized, and mental health risks are reduced.

Yes, you can now reap all the goodness of the Cannabis plant minus the “high” thanks to the discovery of CBD.

What Is The Deal With CBD?

CBD or Cannabidiol is one of the 113 Cannabinoids found in the Cannabis plant. While most Cannabinoids are considered harmless; there is much study in their individual uses and effects and therefore, specialists cannot fully rule out the risks that may be involved.

In the case of CBD, however, science has already done its due diligence and ruled out any factors that may cause users harm. What resulted from these studies and researches is a revolutionary and 100% organic product that could introduce various new wonders into the world of alternative medicine.

THC: The Cannabinoid You Don’t Want In Your System

Cannabidiol is many things – but let me tell you what it’s not: THC.

I did mention that not a lot of research was poured into identifying the benefits and risks of the other Cannabinoids which make up the Cannabis plant. But aside from CBD, another member of the Cannabinoid family was given the spotlight (and the budget) by science – Tetrahydrocannabinol.

It almost sounds like a tongue twister, doesn’t it?

Kidding aside, if CBD is the purest and most beneficial component of Cannabis, then THC is the complete opposite. It is what causes the “stoner’s high.” It contains psychoactive properties, which basically means that it can influence your brain in a way that can cause all sorts of problems. Your thought process may be affected, and this could mean having messed up perception about certain things and situations.

THC is what makes marijuana so controversial. It has also been studied to be a cause of dependency, which is a huge problem for many people – or more specifically, the families of avid and pervasive marijuana users. 


The reason why CBD is largely popular in the market is that it has little to no THC content. According to, Cannabidiol is mainly consumed to calm nerves and reduce anxiety attacks. It has also been reported to help with pain management, reduce swelling and inflammation, as well as act as a muscle relaxant to relieve stress and tension in the body. Cannabidiol has a holistic approach to alleviating the body’s pain points. It is devoid of the psychoactive properties present in THC.

Thus, it’s raging popularity in the market. 

Alternative medicine has become a lot of people’s go-to medication whenever they feel discomfort or pain in their bodies. The idea of healing yourself through 100% organic and natural means is just heaven-sent for many people. CBD oils, pre-rolls, creams, and even snacks like gummy candies have been rolled out in the market for a number of years now and the consumer base for such products grows more and more each day.

Also, thought I’d mention this too for all you skeptics out there: Commercial CBD is derived from legally farmed hemp – not marijuana. Although they share some attributes, both being members of the Cannabis family and all, hemp has far less potent THC which makes it safe for human consumption.

You can get CBD-based products in local stores and alternative medicine shops, but the fastest way to procure them is online. If you can’t just take our word for it, check out other reviews before you decide whether this product is something for you to try. Adios!

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