Friday, February 21

Excellent Tips to Maximize Your Conversion Rate with Google Ads

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No business wants to remain static. In order to stay competitive, you need to look for new sources of traffic. And if it is the kind of traffic that can turn into paying customers, you will be much better off than wasting your resources on random people that come and leave your site without even bothering to look at whatever it is you are offering.

Google Ads and pay per click marketing are not at the top of priorities for most brands, and this trend is a bit difficult to understand. You would have to look quite hard in order to find a marketing method that offers such great value in terms of money spent and what you get in return.

Starting with Google Ads is not that difficult. And once you learn basics, moving on to more complicated stuff would be a natural step. 

As soon as you reach that point, you will want to make use of the tips mentioned in this article. There will be instances where you start to struggle and begin to doubt whether you have what it takes to make it. However, if there is a way to break out of these negative thoughts, it has to be rethinking your strategy by introducing something new.


Newcomers will certainly struggle to try to cover every little detail. Luckily, there are some tools that can help them with finding their groove and moving forward. Clever Ecommerce is a great example as their product helps with Google Ads automation for ecommerce, leaving you more time to focus on other matters. And this is not the only option as you can find plenty of other additional resources to optimize the ads.

Proper Keyword Research

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It matters. Keyword research matters a lot. You need to spend quite a lot of time finding proper ones, but all that effort is worth it if you want to run an effective PPC campaign.

Start with looking at what basic keywords for your niche are. But do not bid on them since they will cost too much, not to mention all the competition that you have to go against. No, instead, use them to create unique longtail keywords.

You can make adjustments in real-time so as soon as you notice that one of your keywords is not performing, delete it and put in a replacement.


Your business may rely on local residents more than anything else. Thus, focusing on geotargeting is the obvious choice.

The number of conversions will increase if you play your cards right. Look at what is trending in the area you are looking to target, create location-specific landing pages, test and optimize until you end up on a goldmine.

Writing an Effective Ad Copy

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Copywriting is tough, so it is no surprise to see more and more entrepreneurs hiring professionals that can take care of the ad copy.

If you have expenses to spare, you may also consider hiring a freelancer since he or she would be able to create a much more effective ad text than you would on your own. 

Ad Scheduling

Google Ads has a scheduling feature for a reason. Ads that are up for 24/7 will do good only for brand awareness. If the goal is to make more sales, you need to find specific time frames and have your ads appear during then. 

Do not be afraid to test and see when and what is working. Remember that everybody had to go through this, and you should not be an exception.

Optimized Landing Page

Whenever someone clicks on the ad they better end up in a place they expect. Clickbait titles and other misleading methods will bring you nothing but negativity. It will not take too long before you have a horrible bounce rate and receive penalties from Google.

This kind of marketing is dead. You need a well-optimized page that accommodates both desktop and mobile users. Something minimalistic with a clear and defined design. Visitors should not have any problems finding what they came to see.

Competition Research

You can treat your competition as a nuisance or as a source of inspiration. The latter sounds like a much better option. Always look for ways to gain an advantage. And if taking someone from your enemies can help you, why not do that?


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Every new campaign you start should be better than the previous one. It just so happens that keeping track of information helps in this regard a lot. Do not neglect a great tool like Google Analytics that you can use for free.

Trial and Error

Nobody starts as a master. You may find that PPC marketing is an entirely different kind of a beast that you expected. Understanding it will take time and patience, and you will have to go through trial and error testing all kinds of things. However, once you reach a certain point, you will thank your lucky stars that you were able to persist.

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