Tuesday, March 4

Canada VS Australia: Which Country Is the Best for Business Higher Education?

Do you plan to study abroad? Are you wondering if it would be better to study in Australia vs Canada?

When compared to the American and British educational systems, Canadian and Australian universities don’t get as much attention. If we look at the World University Rankings 2020, we’ll see that the University of Sydney ranks on the 60th position, and the University of Toronto ranks 18th. It’s not that impressive when compared to Oxford, Stanford, and other big names in the educational industry.

However, people, who start digging a little deeper end up surprised by the opportunities they get in these countries. 

From high-quality education to scholarships to a fun lifestyle, everything is available!

The only question is which is better: Canada or Australia?

Let’s compare both systems by a few important factors, so we’ll come to a conclusion. 

Canada or Australia: Which Is Better for Business Students?

There are three important factors when comparing two higher education systems:

  • Quality
  • Price
  • Student life

We’ll tackle them one by one. 

1.Canada or Australia: which is better in terms of quality?

If we’re guided by the World University Rankings 2020, we’ll easily see that the top Canadian university ranks better than the Australian leader. The University of Toronto ranks 18th for overall education, but 13th in the Clinical, Pre-clinical, and Health category (where the University of Sydney ranks 33th). 

Don’t underestimate Australian universities based on these rankings, though. Both these countries offer a high-quality education that’s heavily supported by their governments. In fact, Aussie universities are considered more challenging in terms of research projects. If you study in Australia, it’s more likely for you to ask cheap dissertation writing help. That’s because the educational system is dependent on a student’s individual research work, similar to the U.S. model.

The Canadian system is slightly different. It’s more practical. The students still write essays and homework assignments, but not in massive volumes. They are required to go through longer internships, and the classes revolve around discussions. 

However, the number of required assignments isn’t a valid way to measure the quality of education. In fact, the Canadian and Australian educational systems are matched. Students who can write will thrive in Australian universities. Those with great discussion skills will prefer the Canadian system.

2. Where do you pay a more affordable price as a foreign student?

On average, Canadians pay around CA$7,000 per year for undergraduate and graduate programs. This is the price that seems affordable, but in reality, the Canadian government subsidies it. They don’t do that for foreign students, who have to pay the full price (around CA$27K per year). Postgraduate tuition fees are slightly more affordable.

Australian universities have a similar way of setting prices for domestic and international students. Aussies contribute with A$6,566, A$9,359, or A$10,958 towards the full tuition, depending on the type of program they undertake. International students pay A$30K per year on average for undergraduate programs.

That’s actually quite similar when you convert the currencies.

However, considering the fact that the cost of living is lower in Canada, it might be the more affordable system of these two.

3. What country has a better student life?

If we believe the stereotypes, Australia wins in this aspect. For those who want partying and drinking, this country is more appealing than Canada, which enjoys a reputation of being boring. But those are only stereotypes. 

In reality, you can have as much fun as you want to, regardless of the university you choose. Both Australia and Canada have amazing cities full of life. You’ll be surprised by the extreme list of fun places in Canada! 

If you choose a good university, life on campus will be great. Both cultures are very accepting of foreigners, so you’ll feel like home. You will meet friends, join clubs, eat good food, and attend great lectures. It’s common for Canadian students to use writing help for Canadians, so they can focus on partying. That’s not a characteristic reserved for the American and Australian student community. 

The only question is: what do you like? Canada is colder, and Australia can get pretty unstable with its weather. Explore the two countries, and pay the most attention to the cities whose universities caught your attention. 

What’s the Best Country for International Students?

Between these two systems, it’s a tie. Australian universities impose more research challenges, but Canada offers hands-on education. Both approaches have their pros and cons. Academic writing is important to gain as a skill, but when your schedule is suffocated with homework, you can’t do much else. 

The price will be relatively close, with the only difference that Australia has a higher cost of living. In fact, it’s one of the most expensive countries for international students. But it enjoys a better reputation for those who like to party, so maybe that will be a factor of interest for you.

It’s a decision that requires tons of research and reasoning. But whichever country of the two you choose, you’ll be happy with the education you get. 

BIO: Robert Everett travels the world and explores educational systems. As a blogger focused on that niche, schooling is what gets his attention during his trips. Robert loves comparing different methods of education, with an intention to figure out what the ideal approach is.          

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