Friday, February 21

LinkedIn profile Writing Service: Getting the Most out of LinkedIn

LinkedIn profile Writing Service: Getting the Most out of LinkedIn


Today, the future of your career largely depends on your behavior in social networks – including occupational ones. Here are some points on what your LinkedIn profile should look like so you can get the note of a potential employer and make useful ligatures.

    Do you have a LinkedIn profile? Congratulations, you are now one of the 450+ million users fighting for the consideration of recruiters, investors and private entrepreneurs looking for talent in this social program.

To get the maximum, you need to fill in all the proposed fields:

  • Photo
  • place of residence;
  • education;
  • current and two previous job positions;
  • skills and qualifications;
  • interests;
  • general information;
  • contacts.
  • Job Search

    That is why many are registered in this network – the search for a good job or part-time job. The service itself will choose and offer available vacancies, according to the data specified in the profile. Just go to the “Jobs” office, located at the top of the page. If there is nothing interesting, you can set your own pursuit for certain criteria. In order not to miss out on new interesting options, set up email alerts.

    If you are interested in the employer, you can go to his page, read about the company, see the list of employees. Some of them may be familiar, which will allow you to learn more about the potential location and team.

 Work well at attracting the attention of employers’ recommendations. These are the reviews and characteristics that give colleagues, acquaintances. You can start getting them yourself – by writing a recommendation to the person you worked with. In response, you can get feedback about yourself.

    The same thing is with the skills that are indicated during registration. The more they are confirmed by other people, the more engaging the profile for a recruiter. To get your endorsements and ratings, begin rating others.

   Attract attention to yourself:

  • publishing useful and interesting information at least once every few days;
  • adding your skills, showing growth;
  • actively participating in group discussions to get on the list of the five most active of the week;
  • putting likes and sharing publications of others;
  • organizing your group.

Do you want that your LinkedIn profile becomes more visitable?

    Your goal is to attract the attention of a potential employer and create the desired image in his eyes. “People need to know who you are and what you do. You should control your online reputation. ”

    On LinkedIn, employers have high expectations, especially monitoring the resumes of candidates, analyzing their profiles, collecting recommendations.

    Therefore, it is worth paying more consideration to fill out a profile. Demonstrate all your accomplishments, skills, demonstrate creativity. So, you can not just indicate work experience, but add videos, presentations or other developments.

Complete all LinkedIn profile fields. This will grow the possibilities of being noticed sevenfold. The more information you place on your profile (from your education, work experience to completed projects, test results, hobbies), the more interesting you will be for potential employers.

    Do not forget to add a photo. But there is a rule: since the network is business, the profile photo should be of high quality, exclusively business. And so that it looked good at any size: small, deployed. According to studies, the photo twelve times grows the chances of getting an invitation to an interview.

Network tricks

    LinkedIn is characterized by an unwritten rule: the more friends, the wider the possibilities. Add colleagues from past jobs, friends, classmates. This will expand your capabilities. Inquire for recommendations that will help create a successful image for the future employer, grow the capabilities of a search. Be sure to indicate the skills, at the same time requesting their confirmation from colleagues, partners. Subscribe to LinkedIn profiles of companies where you would like to work. Monitor their jobs, stay tuned. This 100% will help you in the interview.

   Experts remind us that the page should be constantly updated. Now it’s not enough just to fill out a profile on LinkedIn, passively waiting for luck. You need to be active. Write materials on occupational topics, post them in your stream. Show that you are in trend, have an individual opinion on issues important to your industry. LinkedIn is an extremely professional network. Pass by posting materials that can be considered extraneous to the profile.

    Be sure to comment on articles, status updates. This is not only a chance to be aware of all industry news but also an opportunity to demonstrate competence.

Finish the profile 100%

    LinkedIn’s internal algorithm advances 100% completed profiles higher in SERPs. That is why it is so serious to include information in all sections, including Education and Interests. Insert only appropriate information that reflects your occupation qualities and experience, making your profile more attractive to potential employers.

    Many people think that a resume and a LinkedIn profile are the same things. Often, LinkedIn inserts the information from the CV – and believe that the work has been done. If you think so too – it’s time to transform your mind. Employers want more from a LinkedIn profile: find out what to grow their chances of finding a job.

    Typically, a recruiter gets to know a candidate (even before the meeting) in this order:

  1. You can find great resume Templates on
  2. then a profile on LinkedIn and other social networks.

    In the CV, the recruiter is looking for the most serious information: on the qualifications and experience of the applicant, his strengths. Here the approach is “technical”: the recruiter scans the resume with the eyes, stops at the dates, positions, skills and achievements. A few minutes – and the conclusion is ready: is the applicant suitable for the vacancy, is it worth it to invite him for an interview.

    If the applicant is interested, the recruiter will try to find more information: on the Internet, on social networks and in LinkedIn in particular. If he sees on LinkedIn the same as in the resume – he will be somewhat disappointed. The first meeting took place – the recruiter has an idea of your experience; now he wants to know something about you as a person.

1. Photo

In the CV photo is not necessary. On LinkedIn, it is highly desirable: your genuine business-style photo. Not an avatar.

2. References

    This is not in the summary: here you describe yourself; LinkedIn makes it possible to post other people’s recommendations on your profile. Do not neglect this opportunity. For a recruiter, recommendations are one of the most reliable sources about you.

    Your current and former colleagues, former executives, partners, contractors, recruiters from whom you came interviews can write references for you. Ask these people to append recommendations to your profile; if necessary, after a while, remind. Of course, not everyone will find the time for this. But the presence of even 5 sensible recommendations is better than nothing.

3. General information

    On LinkedIn, you can give yourself a more advanced description than in the CV- in the “General Information” section. Let it be 1-2 paragraphs (as opposed to 1-2 lines in the summary).

With this short text, you should “hook” the employer. It should reflect your professional profile, work experience (what is its duration, significance); what is your main advantage over other job seekers.

    If the results of your work can be quantified, add numbers – about productivity growth due to your activities, about increasing company revenues, increasing market share, increasing employee motivation; about the size of the teams you worked with; The budgets you managed use numbers wherever you can – this is the most compelling evidence that confirms your skills and value.

    Secret: in the “General Information” section should be at least 40 words. If you leave the field blank or there will be too little text in it, your profile will not get into the search results (search inside LinkedIn itself).

4. Number of contacts

    The LinkedIn profile clearly shows how actively you communicate with representatives of the professional community. If your contact list is empty, a flawlessly designed profile makes no sense – the lack of contacts eloquently indicates that your person is of little interest to anyone.

5. Proven skills

    Append your skills to the profile and ask your colleagues to confirm them. The more icons with photos of your colleagues next to each skill, the more convincing your profile. Pay attention to the serious point: the data on your CV and on LinkedIn must match.

    Mismatch of company names and positions, periods of work, functionality and other specific information is a minus for the applicant. From the point of view of the recruiter, discrepancies in information I testify either about the negligence of the applicant or about the desire to hide something.

Pay particular attention to the coincidence in the resume and LinkedIn profile of the following information:

  1. periods of work in specific positions,
  2. company names
  3. job titles;
  4. tasks for each post;
  5. names of projects, organizations, names and surnames, other proper names;
  6. data on your accomplishments (indicators of quantity, shares/percentages, budgets, etc.).

    A good LinkedIn profile is a powerful tool for searching a good job, developing a business and promoting a personal brand. The best accounts of sales managers on LinkedIn bring huge profits to their owners and the companies in which they work.

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