Thursday, March 13

What is Agile Manifesto?

Agile Manifesto is the alternative to documentation driven, heavyweight software building process created and published in February 2001. This short document is built with 12 principles and four values by 17 software developers to come up with the demands for an effective software development procedure which breaks the norm of unresponsive, complicated, and focused requirements for authentication. 

What is Agile Manifesto?

Agile Manifesto or design thinking, does not outline any of the specific procedures, processes, or best agile practice, and that’s intentional. Agile Manifesto developers didn’t create a rigid methodology or framework. Agile is a philosophical mindset suitable for software development. 

The primary focus of the Manifesto is interactions and individuals over tools and procedures. While planning is vital for developing software, allowing flexibility to modify processes helps you accept that changes are also necessary to project completion.

Agile is committed to creating software incrementally. It provides users with new versions of the software following sprints or division of works from team members. It contrasts the waterfall approach of compiling all requirements needed and building the software at once. This traditional procedure releases the software (product) at the end of your target project cycle. 

Agile seeks to provide alternatives to the waterfall method; thus, it was created with its values and principles. The twelve agile manifesto principles are your guide for the methodology. These identify a culture in which change is acceptable, and the client is your focus of work. The regulations also demonstrate the intent movement to bring development which aligns with the business needs.

Agile in simple words means an iterative approach to developing software incrementally from the start instead of delivering the project all at once when it’s almost near completion. Agile allows changes that lead to improvement and provide better results along the process to ensure and guarantee client satisfaction.

What Are The 12 Principles And 4 Values of Agile Manifesto?

The Manifesto consists of 4 foundational values and 12 support principles that lead to an agile approach for software building. 

The four values include individual & interaction over processes and tools, working software over comprehensive documentation, customer collaboration over contract negotiation, and responding to change over following a plan. 

The shortness of iteration means your priorities can be changed from iteration to iteration, and new specifications can be added. Agile believes that changes improve projects and add extra value. 

While agile principles include the following:

  1. Customer satisfaction through continuous and early delivery.
  2. Modifies any changes required throughout software development.
  3. Regular delivery of the working software.
  4. Collaboration between stakeholders and project developers.
  5. Motivate, trust, and support the members involved.
  6. Face-to-face communications.
  7. The primary measurement of progress is working software.
  8. Keeps the consistent pace of development.
  9. Enhance agility through design enhancements and focus on technical details.
  10. The simplicity of the process.
  11. Self-organized teams encourage designs, requirements, and remarkable architectures.
  12. Frequent reflections improve effectiveness.

Agile Manifesto’s Purpose

The primary purpose of agile is to focus on quality by producing a product or service that meets the customer’s expectations and needs. It is created to build and support the working environment which focuses on customers while it still aligns with the business objectives. It allows you to pivot and respond faster as the user requires or if the industry forces change.

Is Agile Effective?

While the results won’t show overnight, using agile offers exponentially improves productivity compared to those teams that don’t use the approach. It offers about a 25% increase in productivity and has a 50% faster market compared to non-agile groups. 

Agile is useful for increasing productivity due to helping everyone stay focused on a single task at the moment. It’s ideal for large-scope projects as teams are focused and avoid disorganization and overwhelmed with the project until completion. 


Agile is created to help developers, business, and teams to stay focused on providing excellence to every project and increase productivity. It determines the perfect approach that will collaborate with organizations to succeed. Instead of the traditional course, an agile mindset helps you be more productive.

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