Friday, February 21

What to look for in a Monitor for Gaming?

If you were a kid back in the 90s or even the 2000s, you would have never thought, even in your wildest dreams, that you can make a living doing the one thing you love the most: playing video games.

But, in 2021, Esports is a career, and kids and men who turn pro, make a living out of it.

That being said, it is difficult to find an early teen who doesn’t like to play video games. If he doesn’t, he just hasn’t found the right game to play.

But like any other sport, the gears play a big role even in online gaming. When we talk about gears, it includes two things. One, the inbuilt game accessories, features, and facilities. And second, the device you are playing the game on.

Esports can be either played on your Phones, Laptops, or Computers. And if you are really enthusiastic about gaming, you can also invest in a specialized gaming computer. A computer is a combination of your monitor, CPU, UPS, Keyboard, and other things. But how do you find the perfect gaming computer for you? Don’t worry, we’re here to help!

Listed below are some qualities you should keep in mind while purchasing a gaming monitor:

1.   High Refresh Rates

Refresh rates, measured in hertz, refers to the number of times a monitor screen updates new images, every second. You might be wondering how does it matter? In layman’s terms, the higher the refresh rate, the higher the response time, which will deliver better visuals in real-time.

A standard desktop, which is used for office purposes like mailing, managing spreadsheets, and preparing documents, a higher refresh rate is not needed. Something as low as 60 hertz performs well.

But for gaming purposes, you cannot think of anything below 120 hertz. Something around 144 hertz should be ideal. And if you have the budget, you can aim up to 240 hertz. But refresh rates alone don’t work. You need to pair them with high resolution. A 1080p resolution, paired with a 144-hertz refresh rate will ensure a premium gaming experience.

2. The screen size does matter

Like most things in life, size does matter, here as well. However, a lot will depend on your desk space and budget as well. Most people are tight on space and hence stick to a 32-inch gaming monitor. It’s up to you to go for smaller or bigger screen sizes.


3. The panel type

Most people do not pay as much emphasis to panel types, as they should. The thing with panel types is, there is no one fits all. Each one has its pros and cons. You need to find what is best for you.

For instance, most popular amongst gamers are the Twisted Nematic Panels that offer fast responsiveness and are also quite affordable. On the downside, you can experience color shifting, with TN panels.

Other than TN Panels, we have Vertical Alignment Panels, which are popular for their robust colors, high naïve contrast ratios. But there are users who have experienced ghosting effects, with VA panels.

If you don’t have much information about panels, either educate yourself or consider buying your gaming computer from experts like JW Computers.

Over to you…

In this think-piece, I mentioned the priority factors but that’s not all. There are other factors as well like Freesync, adaptive sync, Gen Sync, screen resolution, color, comfort, and price. Apart from doing your own research, seek advice from people who know tech and are passionate about it. They are aware of the updated technology in the market and will give you a detailed insight into the pros and cons of each of the alternatives. All the best!

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