Tuesday, March 4

Why Your Restaurant Staff Will Love Employee Scheduling Software

Why Your Restaurant Staff Will Love Employee Scheduling Software

The market is filled with new technology promising to be transformative, but sometimes the only thing that’s really needed is modern updates to the processes that have driven your business forever. Employee management software makes performing certain tasks faster and easier, and does a better job. Here are few reasons why your restaurant staff will love employee scheduling software.

Centralized, Modern Communications

Now, your staff won’t have to toggle back and forth between various forms of communication to discuss work-related matters. Employee scheduling software allows for centralized communication, making it easy to tell everyone in one place about certain daily specials, work events or staff meetings.

Employee scheduling software is cloud-based software that can be accessed from anybody’s smart phone. This means everyone can use the device that’s most natural to them, but won’t have to jump between emails and text messages.

Staff can message everyone at once or create chat dialogues with people assigned to certain departments and roles in your restaurants. It can be as broad or focused as the situation requires. There are many ways to use staff management software to your advantage and to help the restaurant operate, so read on to learn more. 

Connecting Quickly For Scheduling

Beyond communication needs, staff can post their work availability in the app’s calendar using intuitive drag-and-drop features. This makes it easy for them to keep their personal life organized, and makes the processes surrounding scheduling that much faster and more streamlined.

Perhaps the thing your staff will love most is submitting requests for days off remotely. The instant they find out about something important in their personal life that requires a break from work, they can submit a request for the time off right away — this increases the feeling of control and agency over their time, and ensures that the restaurant manager knows about changes to the schedule as far in advance as possible.

Perfect Schedules, Quickly

Employee scheduling software is primarily designed to expedite the process of creating schedules, but it doesn’t only create them in 80% less time — it also makes better schedules. The software combines predictive technology with all the inputs employees can enter in manually. 

The result is everybody’s hours will be balanced and evenly distributed. Staff will love the schedule itself, and not having to waste so much time trying to create it. 

Advanced Time Clocking Features

Gone are the days where you just punch “in” or “out.” Employee scheduling software lets staff customize what their breaks are, so staff punch out for “coffee break” or “lunch.” The machine’s understanding is more aligned with reality, meaning your manager knows precisely how staff spend their time. 

Employee scheduling software also helps enforce mandatory breaks when your manager is creating the schedule. It ensures that every employee receives the allotted time off that they’re entitled to under the law. That is something your staff will love.

Technology doesn’t have to reinvent the wheel to deliver a major impact. Employee scheduling software delivers modern solutions to old processes in restaurants that were overdue for an overhaul. As employee scheduling software comes to form the backbone of your operation, your managers will love it. And so will all your employees. 

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